
Showing posts with the label Nono Griffin

Classic Movie Collection: The 3Ds

  Mara's Classic Movie Collection. Take one 🎬 In Anywood, there are good movies. Then, there are bad movies. Finally, there are movies you just have to watch in a life time! On this first edition of Mara's Classic Movie Collection, we have Deadpool, Deadpool & Wolverine and Dead Poet's Society in the spotlight. Ready to find out if they're worth the hype from my eyes? DEADPOOL This was a recommendation by Gifty and I have to say... Well! I feel mature. This was the Deadpool I knew from childhood in the X-men cartoons. He didn't change; red, nonchalant in the face of death and a good swordsman. One change though, he's fouler than I remember.  I love the concept of him not trying to be a hero. That's the real personality of Deadpool as I can remember. They also kept the humour. Deadpool in the middle of a multi-car collision  wondering if he left the stove on. It was nice watching two cracked up and battered adults find a meaning out of their lives by bei...

Nono Griffin; Finale

Nono Griffin 😎 A Spin-off 🀭 (From the Maker of Twelve Days to Valentine) FINAL EPISODE Did the boss ever tell you she likes pictures, because she does. "Ooh. Redeemed, let's make faces. One more, one more!" Nono said as she changed poses. Chizzy took the seventy-seventh picture and finally, Nono agreed that it was enough. "Thanks, Chizzy darling," Nono said and gave her a peck. Then she and Redeemed looked at the pictures. "Awwwn," Nono said as she flipped to a certain picture where her back was turned to the camera and her hand was raised in a peace sign. "I don't like it," said Redeemed for her own face was squeezed and her eyes were half shut. "Why not? Can't you see how cool I look?" Nono said and starred the picture. "Whatever. Wait. This one. You look really cute. Awwwn," said Redeemed. "Thanks," Nono beamed, "I told you I was the fairest of them all." "And me?" "Ehh, you...

Nono Griffin; Episode 7

  Thanks, Gudybest Nono Griffin😎 A Spin-off 🀭  _(From the maker of ✨Twelve Days to Valentine✨)_ EPISODE 7 Nono smiled as she read through the messages in the group chat. Nearly all the messages were for her. She had been tagged multiple times and her course mates had showered her with approval and commendations for her priceless retaliation towards the "history snobs." She was proud of herself even though she didn't feel completely happy with her reaction. She would have responded differently but then, she had been blinded by anger. "They deserve it," she replied her conscience and convinced herself of this with her recollections of History's offenses. Her course mates' praises kept her happy throughout the week. The following week, they returned to the enemy zone for another class. Nono had told them to stay out of trouble, but this time, it was the history students that ignored them. They had even left half of the chairs free for them to sit. Mass co...

Nono Griffin; Episode 6

Credit to Gudybest  Nono Griffin 😎 A Spin-off 🀭  _(From the maker of ✨Twelve Days to Valentine✨)_ EPISODE 6 "Nono, look at this one." Nono looked at the picture Redeemed showed her. It showed her and Redeemed in a pose. They were all made up and had their matric gowns on. Redeemed was grinning while Nono was looking moody. "Great," Nono muttered. "Why was your face like that?" Redeemed asked. "It's because I saw him. The snob was looking in our direction. He ruined the picture!" Nono fumed. Then she asked, "Why were you smiling like that? You're smiling like the cat in Alice in wonderland." "It's because I saw him," Redeemed said with a sigh. Nono scoffed. "Really?" "Caleb was so handsome. It was like meeting Prince Charming," Redeemed said dreamily. "I'll report you to your pastor," said Nono. "Nono," Redeemed began with a giggle, "I'm not doing anything wrong...

Nono Griffin; Episode 5

Graphic by Gudybest  Nono Griffin😎 A Spinoff 🀭  _(From the maker of ✨Twelve Days to Valentine✨)_ EPISODE 5 "Matriculation!" Nono squealed with excitement. It was near. Finally, she would be officially recognized as a lioness. "Can't wait," she texted her friend, Redeemed. "Relax. It's only... this Saturday! πŸ˜„" Redeemed texted back. Nono threw her hands in the air in a show of ecstacy. Her phone rang. It was "Snob." 🀨 Nono scoffed and picked the call. "Hello. How can I help you?" Nono feigned politeness. "You're unusually nice today," he replied. "It's called sarcasm. What do you want?" "Have you forgotten we're supposed to fix a class?" "What's there to fix?" "We need a venue, since History classroom is too small." "Book the faculty hall then," Nono said with a fling of her hand. She heard him sigh and say, "What will you do then?" Sit on m...

Nono Griffin; Episode 4

Graphic by Gudybest   Nono Griffin 😎 The Spinoff 🀭 ( _From the maker of ✨Twelve Days to Valentine✨)_ EPISODE 4 There's an old beef between History and Mass Communication. No one knows exactly how it started, but here's what everyone says; "Mass Communication is a department of arrogant snobs that can't speak English." Okay. πŸ™„ That's History's point of view. As for Mass Communication, "History is an underpopulated department of jealous snobs." Why the departments don't correlate has no reasonable reason. Sadly, the enmity continues and manifests every faculty election or interfaculty activity. What's worse is that the first years carry on this culture of hate. Or do they? Nono walked into Room 216 with her sunshades on. She was dressed in her usual attire of black and purple. She scanned the class. It was scarcely occupied (unlike her classroom which was usually over brimming with students). She observed some faces and noticed a boy tal...

Nono Griffin; Episode 3

Graphics by Gudybest   Nono Griffin 😎 A Spin off 🀭 ( _From the maker of ✨Twelve Days to Valentine ✨)_  EPISODE 3 "This week is terrible," Nono cried as she trudged to her father's office. She barged in with her usual squeal of "Daddy!" Dr Griffin heaved a sigh and looked at his papers as Nono held his neck. "Nonye?" "Yes, daddy?" "I believe your memory is sound," he said not at all pleased. "Daddy, no one is here. Besides, you always leave home early and return late. This is my only time to see you. I know you are a formal and strict man but I'm your daughter, not your student. Besides, I came to tell you that I love you," Nono said with childish anger. "And?" Dr Griffin enquired. "You're the best daddy in the world," Nono said and pecked him. "And?" "Can I have some money for snacks?" she asked and gazed at him cutely. Dr Griffin laughed. She smiled brightly and thanked hi...

Nono Griffin; Episode 2

Graphic by Gudybest. Nono Griffin 😎 A Spin-off 🀭  _(_From the maker of ✨ Twelve Days to Valentine ✨)_  EPISODE 2 The alarm clock buzzed nosily. Nono's eyes twitched. Then they opened widely to reveal red sleepy orbs. She reached for the clock and hit it continuously until it quit buzzing. "Stupid clock," she muttered. She wondered why her father had bought it anyway. Waste of money. She could just use the alarm in her phone. It was modern, and more importantly, it had a snooze button. Nono sat up and looked at a calendar on the wall. It had black markings on it. She squinted and gave an excited gasp. It was Monday! Quickly, she rushed to the bathroom. After half an hour, she was in front of her mirror, adjusting her hair. She was dressed in black trousers, a blue shirt and her favourite purple jacket. Her sneakers, purple and black, completed her attire. With her hair packed in a ponytail, she was ready for the day. As she walked to the parlour with her black and purple...

Nono Griffin Episode 1

 Nono Griffin😎 A Spin off 🀭  _(From the maker of ✨Twelve Days to Valentine ✨)_  EPISODE 1 "Really?" Dr Griffin exclaimed unable to hide his excitement. He kept his glasses on but I could see through the composure. He was ecstatic! πŸ˜„ "Yes, sir," I said with a cool smile. "That's great news. Congratulations, son!" This time, he happily stretched out his hand for me to shake. I gripped it with some uncertainty. It felt so strange with this happy professor. What of that stern manner I was so used to? "You know what this means? Wedding rice!" Dr Griffin said with a jolly laugh. I laughed too. πŸ˜… Good old Dr Griffin. 😌 "She said yes?" he asked. "Of course, sir," I answered with a chuckle as I remembered the moment she had said that beautiful word. I reminisced and smiled warmly. Dr Griffin caught the look and winked at me. We laughed. "I'm happy for you, Mr Ekrong. Your home is blessed," he said to my delight. ...