Classic Movie Collection: The 3Ds

  Mara's Classic Movie Collection. Take one 🎬 In Anywood, there are good movies. Then, there are bad movies. Finally, there are movies you just have to watch in a life time! On this first edition of Mara's Classic Movie Collection, we have Deadpool, Deadpool & Wolverine and Dead Poet's Society in the spotlight. Ready to find out if they're worth the hype from my eyes? DEADPOOL This was a recommendation by Gifty and I have to say... Well! I feel mature. This was the Deadpool I knew from childhood in the X-men cartoons. He didn't change; red, nonchalant in the face of death and a good swordsman. One change though, he's fouler than I remember.  I love the concept of him not trying to be a hero. That's the real personality of Deadpool as I can remember. They also kept the humour. Deadpool in the middle of a multi-car collision  wondering if he left the stove on. It was nice watching two cracked up and battered adults find a meaning out of their lives by bei...

Nono Griffin; Episode 3

Graphics by Gudybest 

 Nono Griffin 😎

A Spin off 🤭

( _From the maker of ✨Twelve Days to Valentine ✨)_ 


"This week is terrible," Nono cried as she trudged to her father's office. She barged in with her usual squeal of "Daddy!"

Dr Griffin heaved a sigh and looked at his papers as Nono held his neck.


"Yes, daddy?"

"I believe your memory is sound," he said not at all pleased.

"Daddy, no one is here. Besides, you always leave home early and return late. This is my only time to see you. I know you are a formal and strict man but I'm your daughter, not your student. Besides, I came to tell you that I love you," Nono said with childish anger.

"And?" Dr Griffin enquired.

"You're the best daddy in the world," Nono said and pecked him.


"Can I have some money for snacks?" she asked and gazed at him cutely.

Dr Griffin laughed. She smiled brightly and thanked him when he gave her some money. Happily, she bought them some buns and they ate it together in the office.

"So, what is the problem, Nonye?" Dr Griffin asked his daughter who sat before him chewing on a bun.

"Hmm, nothing much. The class rep responsibility is tough but that's not what is bothering me. It's just that matric is coming and we still haven't had our first history lecture. I haven't even set eyes on the lecturer. Many of us want to register it as our elective but it's risky. Exam is already near. So, I spoke with the HOD and he promised to help out."

"That's good," said Dr Griffin as he picked up another oily bun.

"I know, daddy. I'm awesome," Nono boasted.

"How do you know that compliment wasn't for the HOD?" Dr Griffin asked.

Nono frowned and pulled the nylon of buns from the reach of her father. He laughed and she smiled.

"Anyway, Stan, our senior, said, that..."

"Swallow your food first."

"We should choose History. It's the best elective," said Nono after a gulp.

"How does he know?" Dr Griffin asked.

"ELS students normally have issues and French is not for the weak," Nono replied.

"Just go for what you are sure you can do, so you won't feel discouraged along the way," Dr Griffin adviced.

"The HOD will call me to give me feedback later," Nono said after taking a bite.

"Aren't you the one to call him?" Dr Griffin asked.

Nono smiled and said, "Dad, I told you I'm the boss."

Indeed, thought Dr Griffin. He believed her charisma as a leader was thanks to him. Mrs Griffin never agreed to that. "She got it from me," his wife would argue.

That evening, Nono received a call from the History lecturer. He asked her to schedule a class with the History department class rep so they could have their first class. Nono smiled and thought, "Thank you, Mr HOD."

She got the History class rep's number from Redeemed and called him.

"Lecture alert loading," she hummed as the number dialled.

The receiver hummed and the person at the other side remained quiet. Nono looked at her phone. Then she put the phone to her ear and said, "Hello?"

"It took you that long to speak," said a male voice curtly.

"Excuse me. Am I speaking with the History class rep?" Nono asked with some disbelief.

"Whose number did you dial?" the voice said.

Nono bit her lip furiously but still maintained her cool voice, "Obviously, you are the history class rep. I was informed by the history lecturer that there will be a class on HIS 122 tomorrow. So, when do you propose the class should hold?"

"Seven," the voice answered.

"Seven! That's too..." Nono exclaimed.

"Early?" the voice asked sarcastically.

"No. Mass com will be occupied with classes till 2pm. Plus, an early lecture will inconvenience the lecturer," Nono said.

"Are you speaking on his behalf?" the voice asked.

Shut up, Nono shouted in her mind. "It's 2pm or nothing," Nono said resolutely.

The voice was silent for a while. Then it responded, "Alright, then. I'll call the lecturer and inform him."

"Great. See you tomorrow..." Nono started.

The call cut.

Nono widened her eyes in anger. "What? Who cuts another person's call? That's so rude! Who is this jerk? Boy, if I could just give him a piece of my mind!"

Nono proceeded to mimick him as she paced her room angrily, "Whose number did you dial? Early? It took you so long to... Arrgh!"

After a moment, the young boss calmed down and began to type the lecture update. When she had sent it to her class info group, she remembered to save the rude class rep's number.

"Caleb," she mumbled with a serious face. "We'll meet, tomorrow."

To be continued.


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