
Showing posts with the label Chocolate & Milk

Mara's Classics; 1 Year and Counting 🌟💙

"Pass through the school, and let the school pass through you." These were the words that started me off on a long, really long journey in my writing career. You see, I've been writing before, since I picked up a notebook as a little girl and scrawled, "Adanna the stubborn girl." Time flew by and I was already writing factious history on African colonization. Then... I got admission to study in the University of Nigeria, Nsukka. At first, I thought, this is the end of my writing career, but I was inspired by my Muse Giver to "write, write, write!" Here I am, one year later, writing. It's been a beautiful journey. It began on Feb 16, with...! TWELVE DAYS TO VALENTINE Read It was Valentine. My sis wanted us to celebrate so she dragged me (literally) to a Valentine Music Special. It was what I needed to breathe life to my Muse. Twelve Days to Valentine was inspired by the university culture which I was still new to. I loved the environment and kep

CHOCOLATE & MILK 🍫🥛 Episode 1: Anonymous Night

Anonymous night is a home name among students in the University of Nigeria Nsukka. It's a night when students get to unleash their thoughts, nice or deadly, in a platform that protects their identify. It's a cherished tradition and always promises the juiciest gossips, the darkest gists and the most lethal insults. If you have haters, Anonymous night doesn't promise you a good time. Besides people getting dragged, others also get secret admirers, love texts and, rarely, encouraging texts. The outcome of one anonymous night could mean the beginning or end of a student's public image in his class. Anonymous night is a night of glee, of pain, of judgement. Jude pondered this as he clicked on the Linguistics 025 group chat and sent the message that sent ripples down everyone's spines. "Write a secret anonymous message for LIN 025 😉 We won't know who wrote it 😂❤️👉" The group reacted to his post and went silent. Jude smiled and we