
Showing posts with the label Coco


Mara rolled her eyes and made the sign of the cross. Worst exam yet, she fumed as she stood up and delivered her paper to the tall robust and unsmiling Mr Robert. Then she scanned the tense hall before walking down the aisle and out the door. She smiled when she saw Theodora looking out for her. She joined her and both of them embraced and whimpered. Leo soon joined them. A look in one another's eyes was enough to pass the message; the exam had been tough. "Does anyone care for ice cream?" Leo asked suddenly. Then their faces lit up and they strolled to the back of FASA hall where an icecream bicycle was standing near the popcorn box. "You're the best, Leo! Icecream is perfect for the celebration," said Theodora with a noisy sip. "It doesn't feel much like a celebration. Those questions were a perfect example of what I ordered versus what I got," Mara sighed. "Look on the bright side. We're done for the year and in a few days, we'l...

Coco; A Review

 " Say that I'm crazy or call me a fool..."🎷🎷 Miguel was a young boy with a dream; a dream to sing! " But last night, it seemed I dreamed of you."πŸͺ—πŸŽΊ Like all dreamers, he must overcome difficulties and dangers. How does his story, Coco turn out? Set in the beautiful city of Mexico, Coco brings to life the value of family and music in the character of a young, black haired, one-dimpled Mexican boy, Miguel. πŸ™‚ Miguel Rivera lives under the cohesive and protective shadow of his family, the Riveras. This shadow is dark in some places, like the unchanged, unquestioned and unbroken loyalty of the Riveras to the shoe making trade which was introduced to them by their first matron, Mama Imelda. (Her photo on the ofrenda is really stern πŸ™)Added to that, the Riveras, under Abuela, are strong opponents of music! 😦 These are not exactly favourable for a young boy dreaming of being a musician.😩 Miguel keeps his dream a secret and any move he makes to get even near an ...