Classic Movie Collection: The 3Ds

 Mara's Classic Movie Collection. Take one 🎬

In Anywood, there are good movies. Then, there are bad movies. Finally, there are movies you just have to watch in a life time!

On this first edition of Mara's Classic Movie Collection, we have Deadpool, Deadpool & Wolverine and Dead Poet's Society in the spotlight. Ready to find out if they're worth the hype from my eyes?


This was a recommendation by Gifty and I have to say... Well! I feel mature.

This was the Deadpool I knew from childhood in the X-men cartoons. He didn't change; red, nonchalant in the face of death and a good swordsman. One change though, he's fouler than I remember.

 I love the concept of him not trying to be a hero. That's the real personality of Deadpool as I can remember. They also kept the humour.

Deadpool in the middle of a multi-car collision  wondering if he left the stove on.

It was nice watching two cracked up and battered adults find a meaning out of their lives by being the meaning in each other's lives. The love theme, "We have a lot in common so let's cuddle all day," is something.

Hats off to Vanessa who held on to Wade even after his mutation.

It was a low budget show though. Like why was there no room for the casting? Seems to me like the studio could only afford two X-men. I had a few laughs and lots of thrilling action but I think the movie was too clouded with foul words which seemed like them trying to overdo the jokes. And I don't even want to understand completely what half those jokes mean.

So will I recommend this?

For kids, no.

For adults with strong ears, maybe.

Will it make it to the classic collection? Let's find out.


What did I just watch?


What do you call a combination of unnecessary violence, tension and Madonna music all in one? Deadpool and Wolverine.

It was literally a mishmash of all the greatest super heroes legacies. We're talking X-men, Avengers and even hints of DC. (In the movie, Deadpool referred to Wolverine as Batman, but without a neck.)

I don't know how to describe the experience. I was shaking my head at the choice of songs, wincing at the obvious graphic tricks and laughing at all the crazy mentions and references. Deadpool just can't keep behind the scenes behind the scenes! Like dude, leave 20th Century Fox alone!

I was sooo happy seeing Laura again though. That is the ultimate resurrection of the Wolverine. And when she put on her glasses, I wanted to scream. I must say I was rather sad she lost her savage scream and savager death counts. She civilised. Why? Where is my killing machine? 😭

The multiverse hint has to be the craziest. Why do we have so many Wolverines from so many timelines? And a female Deadpool? Epic.

The Madonna scene... Why was it Madonna? I love Madonna!

Spoiler. Of course they didn't die. Did you think Marvel would bring a hero back to life only to kill him again? 

I was so happy Chris Evans made an appearance, but why is he more foul mouthed than I remember? I'm like, "Cap, what happened to you?" 

If you're going to watch this (and I think you should) wait till the end-scene. There you'll find some jaw-dropping evidence which, I feel, Deadpool edited.

Well, it was a good one. I must say I kinda enjoyed it, even though I didn't. It was like a looney toon for a grown up man trying to save his family of a stripper, a blind stoner, two X-men and a dog. Again about this grown man is that he refuses to accept he's a hero when everything he does proves it. Well, almost everything.


I am lost for words.

This is probably one of the most enigmatic movies I've watched with a deep meaning and a deeper lesson.

I just finished breakfast and I still don't know what to write in this review. I have the idea to write, Carpe Diem and end with a full stop 'cause what else is there to say about this Robin Williams' masterpiece?

To recount what I've watched is painful. I can't get the tragedy out of my head. Why did it have to be, I wonder.

 The happy moments were beautiful. The realizations, adventures, actualisations, attained dreams! The privilege to know and do what it is you always wanted to do even though everything and everyone else is against it. To live, in the moment, in the day. Carpe Diem.

The movie doesn't quite have an ending. I can't say Weltons learnt the lesson that their only task is to guide the young men to think for themselves, not plan out their lives for them. Not even death could open their eyes to see the unspoken grief and pining of these young men who only wanted to live outside the shadows of family legacy and parental ambition. One may say they were trying to protect them, but how can you protect a person from himself? It is his nature. Show him all he stands to face, to gain and to lose. Give him the principles, the honour, the truth. Then let him discover his path.

In essence, life today is too formal to do the things worth living for. Learning, excelling, working, these are important, but they're not what we live for. Love, laughter, friendship, dreams, hope, aspiration, accomplishments, these are why we live. So is it worth it treading under the shadows of tradition and societal expectations without ever finding our own voice and living our own lives? Should we go by the book which keeps us in a straight line, in conformity, without stopping to know our own gait, the pattern of our steps, the uniqueness of our being, what makes us persons?

Oh, Captain. My Captain! God help us all to live life to the fullest.

There you have them. My movie list for January. I'm basically clearing up all the recommendations I keep telling myself I'm going to check out. I'm glad these three are ticked.

Thank you so much, Gifty and Idee for the recommendations. Now to the question of the weekend...

Did these recommendations make it in my chart?

NB: only movies with a 10/10 rating make it to my Classic Movie Collection.

DEADPOOL: I loved it and loved watching it a second time so I'll give it a 6 out of 10. Sorry, Wayde.

DEADPOOL & WOLVERINE: Yes! It was awesome. It was Marvel marvelling me. It's so in my Classic Movie Collection.

DEAD POETS SOCIETY: Enigmatic, 'epiphanical' and a chance for me to love Robin Williams. Yes!


Why am I doing this again? Because movies aren't just movies. They're films of action enveloping life and transcending time.

Thanks for engaging my post and patronising my reviews. Till February.


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