Classic Movie Collection: The 3Ds

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Credit to Gudybest |
Nono Griffin 😎
A Spin-off 🤭
_(From the maker of ✨Twelve Days to Valentine✨)_
"Nono, look at this one."
Nono looked at the picture Redeemed showed her. It showed her and Redeemed in a pose. They were all made up and had their matric gowns on. Redeemed was grinning while Nono was looking moody.
"Great," Nono muttered.
"Why was your face like that?" Redeemed asked.
"It's because I saw him. The snob was looking in our direction. He ruined the picture!" Nono fumed. Then she asked, "Why were you smiling like that? You're smiling like the cat in Alice in wonderland."
"It's because I saw him," Redeemed said with a sigh.
Nono scoffed. "Really?"
"Caleb was so handsome. It was like meeting Prince Charming," Redeemed said dreamily.
"I'll report you to your pastor," said Nono.
"Nono," Redeemed began with a giggle, "I'm not doing anything wrong by admiring God's creation."
"Caleb is a jerk and a snob, like all history students," Nono declared.
"You're being unfair," Redeemed said.
"They're mean to us! We don't even do anything. Is it because they own the classroom that they can chase us out of our seats if they like? Plus, they laugh at us and make rude remarks quietly whenever we fail a question, and Caleb supports them!" Nono said angrily.
"That's true," Redeemed admitted sadly. "That's the only thing keeping us apart," she added in a whisper.
Nono stood up and Redeemed pulled her down quickly. She held her friend in a tight embrace and shook her head. Nono stopped struggling to free herself and said, "Choose him or me."
"My darling. My boss," Redeemed said cutely and Nono smiled.
Nono was in a good mood until the next class; History. She and her course mates frowned as they entered and sat among the History students. 025 Mass com had complained about the History students to their boss in the group chat. Nono had only told them to..."Ignore them. It's the worst injury you can give them."
That's what Nono did to Caleb when he teased her with his kind greetings. She looked ahead of her and kept her mouth shut. She observed that her fellow Jacksonites did likewise. She smiled with pride and nodded encouragingly to her flock.
It would have been a good lecture had the lecturer not scolded Nono for not providing him with a separate attendance list. It was an innocent mistake of Nono, but the lecturer (who must have woken up on the wrong side of his bed) took it too personal.
"I don't understand this department. In all my years of handling this course, this blue department will always give me headache. Just look! The class rep is even a female! Where is that done? If you can't do your job well, step down and let a serious young man handle it!"
What's worse, the History students goaded him with their remarks of approval. 😒
Mass com was scandalized. Nono was speechless with anger, but she wasn't mad at the lecturer. The teases of the history students hurt more than the insult of the lecturer.
As soon as the lecturer left, someone from history began to chant, "Headache department!" The chant was taken up and the mass com students looked unhappily at their class rep. They wanted to react but they considered her.
Caleb looked at Nono. She had a dark look on her face. Before he could do anything, she sprang up and went for the door. Caleb usually told them not to slam the door because of its weak hinges. With rage, she pulled the knob and let it swing freely backwards. It banged as it hit the wall.
"Hey!" someone shouted.
The Jacksonites got the message. One by one, they left the class and pushed the door open as they left. The history students shouted in protest. Caleb jumped to his feet when a guy slammed the door really hard. He rushed forward but Nono stood in his way. He glared at her. She returned it, with intimidating audacity.
"Redeemed," Caleb called when Redeemed reached for the door knob. She was the last of the Mass com students. Redeemed looked at Caleb, then at Nono. "Come on, boss," she said.
Nono smiled and walked to her friend. Then, Redeemed closed the door behind them loudly.
"Caleb, are we really going to take that?" one of them shouted.
Caleb didn't reply. His countenance was far from pleased. He ground his teeth as he muttered, "Nono." 😠
To be continued.
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