Classic Movie Collection: The 3Ds

  Mara's Classic Movie Collection. Take one 🎬 In Anywood, there are good movies. Then, there are bad movies. Finally, there are movies you just have to watch in a life time! On this first edition of Mara's Classic Movie Collection, we have Deadpool, Deadpool & Wolverine and Dead Poet's Society in the spotlight. Ready to find out if they're worth the hype from my eyes? DEADPOOL This was a recommendation by Gifty and I have to say... Well! I feel mature. This was the Deadpool I knew from childhood in the X-men cartoons. He didn't change; red, nonchalant in the face of death and a good swordsman. One change though, he's fouler than I remember.  I love the concept of him not trying to be a hero. That's the real personality of Deadpool as I can remember. They also kept the humour. Deadpool in the middle of a multi-car collision  wondering if he left the stove on. It was nice watching two cracked up and battered adults find a meaning out of their lives by bei...

Nono Griffin; Episode 2

Graphic by Gudybest.

Nono Griffin 😎

A Spin-off 🤭

 _(_From the maker of ✨ Twelve Days to Valentine ✨)_ 


The alarm clock buzzed nosily.

Nono's eyes twitched. Then they opened widely to reveal red sleepy orbs. She reached for the clock and hit it continuously until it quit buzzing.

"Stupid clock," she muttered. She wondered why her father had bought it anyway. Waste of money. She could just use the alarm in her phone. It was modern, and more importantly, it had a snooze button.

Nono sat up and looked at a calendar on the wall. It had black markings on it. She squinted and gave an excited gasp. It was Monday! Quickly, she rushed to the bathroom. After half an hour, she was in front of her mirror, adjusting her hair.

She was dressed in black trousers, a blue shirt and her favourite purple jacket. Her sneakers, purple and black, completed her attire. With her hair packed in a ponytail, she was ready for the day.

As she walked to the parlour with her black and purple school bag, she spoke to herself confidently, "The beautiful and cool Nono is slowly making her way to the exit. Control the crowd, let Nono pass. No pictures." She shielded her face from the flashes of light coming from an imaginary paparazzi.

She was about to open the door when a voice stopped her, "Not so fast, Nonye." It was her mother.

Nono gave an exasperated sigh and turned to her mother. She gave her a hug as she greeted, "Good morning, mummy."

"Morning, my love. How was your night?" Mrs Griffin asked.

Nono forced a smile and went to sit on the sofa where her brother was waiting.

"Hey, ugly," she said to him.

"Nonye, it's been ten years already. Get over the fact that you're not the last born anymore,"  he replied.

Nono stuck her tongue out at him and he did the same.

"That's enough, Nonye and Nedum. Now, close your eyes let's pray," said Mrs Griffin.

Nono held her peace till after breakfast when she jumped up and headed for the door.

"Nonye, take Nedum to school," her mother said.

"Aargh! Mummy, he's ten years old. He can take care of himself."

Still, she took him to school.

"Will you miss me?" Nedum asked when Nono led him to the school gate.

"No," Nono said firmly and Nedum frowned. Immediately, he smiled cutely and said, "Bye-bye, lovely sister."

"You can't make me feel guilty," she responded, but she gave him a brief hug before she left.

"I love you," Nedum said after her.

"Brothers," she muttered with a smile.

Nono quickly headed for a brick brown magnificent building with a V-shaped roof. It was the UNN Faculty of Arts building; her faculty building.

She smiled with pride. She saluted the Chinua Achebe statue; she did that every morning. Then she walked into the building and headed for Room 106; the Mass Communication first year classroom.

"What's up, Jacksonites? Your amiable class rep, Nono, is in the building! Can I hear a 'Yay!'" Nono said with her hands in the air.

"Shut up," Redeemed, the assistant class rep replied and they laughed. The back bencher boys (cos they always sat at the back) actually cheered yay, and Nono nodded at them. "Those are my guys!" she said and shook their hands.

Redeemed watched her as she greeted the students present in class.

She greeted the Director of Social Activities, "TJ, what's up? Hope you're planning an Amapiano fest for after exam activity?"

She greeted the GSP 101 course representative, "Hey, Bukky. How's Mr Henry? Did he summarize his sleep?"

To a group of pretty girls who smiled at her, she hailed, "The fabulous clique! You're looking fabulous this morning."

"Are you done?" Redeemed asked.

Nono puckered her face at her assistant and gave her a hug. She said, "Thanks for opening the classroom. I would have come early but my mum held me back."

"Or you were arguing with your alarm clock," Redeemed cut in. "Anyway, I spoke with the GSP 207 lecturer and she agreed to give us a term paper instead of a test," Redeemed said.

"You know I love you," Nono said cutely and hugged Redeemed's arm.

"Sure, boss," Redeemed said and relaxed her serious face to a smiley face. She added, "But you'll have to speak to Dr Clever concerning the online assignment he gave us. No one seems to understand what to do."

"Your trusty boss is on it," Nono said and pulled out her phone as she sat on her seat.

"Yeah, right," Redeemed replied doubtfully. Then she took her rightful place beside Nono.

Nono began to type, and she read as she typed, "Good morning, sir. Your assignment stinks and it's as silly as your name. Love, Nono."

The girls laughed.

"I see you want to carry over a four unit load course," said Redeemed.

"This class rep is not scared of any lecturer," Nono said boldly.

"Abeg, no implicate us," said Chizzy who had been listening to their conversation.

"Chizzy baby," Nono said and reached out to hug the youngest member of 025 mass com. 🥰

Stan, a 200lv student walked in and came to where Nono sat.

"Stan the man," Nono greeted and gave him a knuckle, a hand clasp and then a peace sign.✌

"What's up, Nono? Did you confirm from the HOD the courses you are to register?" Stan asked.

"Yes. He'll get back to me in an hour's time," Nono replied.

"How many lectures will you have today? I would like to talk to your class members."

Nono pulled her phone out and checked the schedule while Stan waited patiently. She replied, "That will have to be tomorrow. We're booked, today."

"Even now?"

"Now, we have to submit our PSC assignment," Nono said.

At once, the chairs in the classroom creaked and everyone rushed towards her table. 🏃🏃‍♀

"Form a line, people. No pushing," Nono ordered. To Stan, she said, "So, is tomorrow okay?"

"Sure, boss," Stan said and left.

"Another week," Redeemed groaned as the students struggled to submit their assignments.

"Don't worry. This week's gonna be special," Nono said and put on a pair of black glasses. She made a cool face 😎 and reached for the first person's assignment.

To be continued.


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