AREA '61 Epilogue

  Epilogue  "Every den has its shadows. When the sun shines and the lamppostss blink to life at night, you can't see it. But if you look close enough, you catch a glimpse of it flitting from corner to edge. "UNN has a cult, or so I thought. I set out to unravel this mystery but I was really just seeking an adventure different from my everyday life. I was chasing a legacy that would hide me from the fears that haunt me daily. Fears of being alone, not wanted and silly. Are '61 was the red tag on my map. It made me shudder just to think of all the scandals I could unearth or forge. I set out to find what wasn't looking for me. Did I find it? No, but I found something better. I found that the world is not as dark and dreary as I thought. I found that people can be trusted. I found that the world is so full of different personalities and to survive in it, we must be tolerant. I found that sometimes, the answer to our questions are the questions themselves. I found tha

BATTLE OF AUTHORS 🗡️✒️ Contestant #5; Maestro

Igweonu Ifenna Honor

real_maestro (Instagram)


•A small part of me wanted to weigh in

•But his love was already in my vein

•A chain of rain stained hurricane couldn't even make me exclaim


•It only made more sense

•As the pastor continued his ceremonial cleanse

•The greek native reminded me of the greek god

•It couldn't be a coincidence, he had to be a fraud

•Midsummer's cool breeze couldn't stop us

•Bounds no knew elation my thus

•But Disney's 'meant to be' label once again proves a curse

•A false facade his reflection weighed in pounds

•I had a conviction the minute my left hand met his cheeks

•How lucky I was to be at the top of his pick

•But a different conviction of mine was at its peak

•Leaving me in sheer and utter trick

•Her voice echoed in my ears

•To my boisterous list I added another fear

•He brushed her claims aside without care

•And reassured me with his lips to my ear

•I am my own master

•I told the lying bastard

•As the curtains of this poem comes downward

•The 11th line of this poem was written backward


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