Classic Movie Collection: The 3Ds

  Mara's Classic Movie Collection. Take one 🎬 In Anywood, there are good movies. Then, there are bad movies. Finally, there are movies you just have to watch in a life time! On this first edition of Mara's Classic Movie Collection, we have Deadpool, Deadpool & Wolverine and Dead Poet's Society in the spotlight. Ready to find out if they're worth the hype from my eyes? DEADPOOL This was a recommendation by Gifty and I have to say... Well! I feel mature. This was the Deadpool I knew from childhood in the X-men cartoons. He didn't change; red, nonchalant in the face of death and a good swordsman. One change though, he's fouler than I remember.  I love the concept of him not trying to be a hero. That's the real personality of Deadpool as I can remember. They also kept the humour. Deadpool in the middle of a multi-car collision  wondering if he left the stove on. It was nice watching two cracked up and battered adults find a meaning out of their lives by bei...

Diary of a Jacksonite πŸ’™πŸ–€ SPENZY ♠️♠️♠️


King_spenzy (Instagram)

I kicked a random stone as I headed to Achebe Court. Only semester 2 in "The den" and I was frustrated. Had social media been lying? What about the thrill and adventure of being a freshman? Was it really a facade or am I just unlucky cos my country's being run by a Jagaban?

I sighed and stopped, thinking of the huge amount my parents had given the bank for my tuition. Dang! I could have started a business with that sum. I'd have been living large already. I...

"Promise, wait up!"

I looked as someone brushed past me. Wait. Tall, dark, handsome, black rimmed classes with white highlights. Was that...?

"Hey! Excuse me for a second," I called out as I  rushed towards him. He stopped and looked at me curiously. I smiled. Beyond a doubt, I was before the winner of the Okwuluora scholarship.

"You're Spenzy, right?" He smiled. "Mehn! I'm a huge fan, bro. I'd do anything to be you," I blurted with frustrated excitement.

"Whoa. Easy going," he said.

"Sorry. It's just... Omoor! Things choke. Education is the key but this key, e too cost. I'm so discouraged I just want to quit," I explained.

"I get you, man..."

"Spenzy!" a dark beauty in a pretty white gown called impatiently.

"Uh, okay. Here's my number. Why don't we talk later? You know we mustn't keep the lady waiting."

"Sure. Um, thanks." I watched the rhythm of the lady's hips as she glided away with Spenzy at her heels. I whistled and wondered when I'd have a pretty lady by my side.

Before you could say snap, I chatted Spenzy up and asked him how he had been so lucky. I was going to suck up to him as much as possible. Maybe, just maybe, he might do me a little fan appreciation.

I imagined dozens of bank receipts as he began to type. What eventually came in was a series of forwarded voice notes of varying durations. Wait, voice notes?! Why's he forwarding me voice notes? Oh, no. His life story. Dude, I'm a fan, not a fanatic!

After a while, I thought, well, it wouldn't be bad to listen. Since I'm at a lose end, let me hear what he has to say. I might skip that  VN of 20 minutes though.

Here goes.

VN 1

(Spenzy cleared his throat, and took a deep breath.)

Uhm, good evening. My name is Samuel but everyone calls me Spenzy. I am a 200lv student of the famous mass communication department and... I think that's it for pleasantries and introduction.

Sorry I sound so formal, boring if you like. It depends on who's listening; my family, my friends, even me. Just in case, I'm a friendly person. You may already know, or you're just finding out or... You've seen my dark side.

(Chuckles.) This is actually my first attempt at an audio dairy. I read Livingdead by Georgina Stoker recently and I loved Nelly's audio diary. It impressed me pretty much. I thought it would be nice to have a diary myself especially in this crucial period of my life.

What's my dilemma? In a word, money. I'm one of the wronged students of this uni- that had their fees increased without prior notice. You can imagine the shock on my uncle's face when I called the manipulated amount. He was like, whaaa...?

Long story cut short, he dropped the mantle of sponsor for the year. Mum got really worried. I could tell from her constant brooding that she was plotting how to spit some ugly words at me, one of which was "drop out." That's a nasty word, and the fact that the Dean used it makes it a whole lot uglier.

I saved Mum the energy and told her I would foot the bills. She was like, whaaa...? She consented and I became a demigod in my eyes. The moment I sat down to reason the matter, I too was like, whaaaaa? I was going to raise 100k?!

Well, it's too late to back down now. The mountain is before me and I must scale it. It won't be smooth but that never stopped men.

See you at the peak.

VN 2

Dare I say it. I missed this school! Yeah, it's a death valley for students but it's better than the dull and static walls of home.

At school, I feel limitless. I can achieve my goals and be the man I was born to be. I can break the chains that bind me and be a force of hope to myself and my family.

A big shout out to my gees; Honorable, TG, Jones and Last born. They're letting me squeeze in with them till I sort things out. They're the real MVPs, what I call "the gift of men."

VN 3

Mass Communication will never cease to surprise me. Just one week of missed lectures and look at the heap of assignments I've got.

Look, I know I said that I miss school, but...

Can I please go back to watching Little Mermaid and reading Percy Jackson series?

VN 4

Good evening. It's been two weeks since my last record. Two long, hard and rigorous weeks.

Besides swimming in a sea of assignments and attending a couple of classes, I've been neck deep in clothes at Dennis' Couture.

Yes, I sew. I also do odd jobs, for a price. Anything legit to get the money into the bank. So, come on down to Spenzy Works and have a job done. Okay, that came out wrong. Not bad advertising though. (Chuckles.)

I'm nervous, honestly. I'm running out of time...

No sweat. God will surely make a way.

VN 5

(Sighs) Another... Stressful day... (Sighs) Omoor! Stressed dot com abeg. We go again another day.

VN 6

(In a dejected voice) Time's getting slimmer. Mum calls everyday to encourage me but listening to her voice only manages to discourage me. I feel like I can't do this...

At this point, I'll clutch at any straw. I can't... I just can't drop out. I've come so far. God, I can't drop out.

VN 7

After the rant, the pain still lingers

The sadness weighs heavy upon my heart

The anger and hurt are hard to shake off

I try to move but it's not easy

The darkness is hard to see through

But even in the darkness, there is light!

I have to believe that it will get better

That I will heal and find my way again

I know what you're thinking. Can anyone be so talented as me? Nope, no way.

VN 8

I'm really in a tight corner right now. I've been making the money but all these stupid expenses keep shorting it.

That's it. I'm not gonna make it. I'm a doomed dropou...

No. Pull yourself together, Spenzy. Pull yourself together. It may seem pitch-dark now but surely... (In a whisper) The dawn will crack.

VN 9

In my darkest hour and my deepest despair, I found hope in a name. That name; Okwuluora.

"Okwuluora's coming to UNN," I had heard some students cheer. That wasn't what attracted me to the UNN Magazine launching. I was just going to see my childhood legend, Chiwetela Agu.

Despite my busy schedule, I made time to attend the event. It was the best decision of my life! Well, choosing Chelsea as my favorite club comes close, but still.

At the end of the event, Okwuluora, a philanthropist, announced a quiz competition and promised tempting prizes. This is definitely my calling.  I could see myself receiving a large sum as I watched Okwuluora speak. What hope I felt. What hope!

Did my day get any better? You bet. I had live audience with Promise, the beauty of my class.

"Hello," I had said with my most chivalrous accent.

"Hi," she had replied warmly with her honey like voice. Currently, hi is my favourite word. Tell it to me now and I'll buy you a meal. Don't worry; I'll have a new set of favourite words, when I have a lengthy conversation with Promise.

VN 10

As the evening falls, the world grows still

The stars emerge, and the shadows chill

The night is dark, but there's a peace

A quiet calm, oh sweet release

The moon glows a-bright

And the stars hover without fright

A gentle breeze so soothing

To end the night in goodwill

Sleep comes now...

Please note that this is just a poem. I have no intention to sleep with Aunty Edith's assignment undone and a test on PR lingering about. I wrote it cos it's been a long time since I had a peaceful night rest. When all this torture is over, I think I'm gonna celebrate on my bed. It'll be a triple serving of sleep with no side dishes of morning duties. Can't wait! For now, we keep the candle burning.

VN 11

It's been established. Okwuluora is coming to UNN. You should have seen my face when I saw him post the promised gift items on his Facebook page. He wasn't kidding when he said he'd bring a cow! Well, he sure puts the o in philanthropy.

What else? Oh, yeah. I stumbled on a collection of odes by classic poets and you bet I'm gonna read it. Do you know what makes it crazier? My exams are here. What's life without risks?

VN 12

Goallllllllllll! The Blues for life!

VN 13

Today, I met Okwuluora. All I can say is... He's a good man. It felt so good telling about my problems. It was as if his eyes carried a tide of hope that flooded my soul. Mum called too and I felt on top of the world.

I feel so alive. Hope, is that you? Will you prevail? Will I reach the peak, or will you let me go at the last minute and smash me in despair?

VN 14

UNN has to be the *** school in literally *** Just *******

What crappy board does an innocent Godsent philanthropist have to appease to better the lives of their own students?

The way I see it, monopoly is at play. UNN wants a slice of the cake. My hope is that they don't departmentalize this occasion. I never see money pay departmental due.

Tf! This is really frustrating. Why does UNN have to say no now? Aren't they aware that it's their fees I'm tryna pay here?

VN 15

I've been doing a lot of background research and I must say, all the quizzes hosted by Okwuluora are rather simple.

I was expecting more of a competition when I searched for questions he quizzed UI students with. I feel super confident now. Is it current affairs I am not current with? Sports; my life! What couldn't I answer?

The way I see it, I'm a... No, the winner. Not to brag but my opponents don't stand a chance against my top-notch brain.

VN 16

Choked in a corner, bro

I've longed for hope for as long as I know

But it ain't coming, I see that, no jokes

Because in the path I behold

There's no hope to break the gloom

Sorrow's weight is crushing my soul

The darkest days are taking its toll

Despair is reigning without relent...

VN 17

Quote to begin the day: when one door closes, I go follow window. No matter what UNN says, I will win this quiz. The president has already chosen representatives for the quiz. I'm not discouraged. I'll talk to him. I'll meet him today and talk to him. I'm not giving up without a fight.

It's a good day to die hard. Risk it all, Spenz. Risk it all.

VN 18

Okwuluora was fed up.

He had had it with the institution...

His truckload of goodwill was exiting the gates of UNN.

Then... The Dean signed the approval.

What God cannot do does not exist!

VN 19

God did!!! (Loud screams of jubilation and laughter.)

Ahhh! Dear friend, that was the sound of victory. I am the winner. God did it for me.

How did it happen? I got to the venue. God! It was as crowded as hell. I mounted the stage with all the courage I could summon and I counted from ten to one to cool my nerves. Then, Okwuluora kicked me and my team off the stage. (Laughter.) Surprised? I was too. I was this close to clutching half a million. This close!

Well, we were given a second chance when the president showed up. Okwuluora listened to his excuse on being absent and we, Ceej, Bridget and I, went up against our opponents.

You'll hear me say this just once. I was, freaking scared. My ribcage nearly broke with the forceful thud of each heartbeat. I didn't stutter though. I could feel the prayers of my mother, my beloved, surround me as each question was asked. Her prayers were strong; I didn't fail a single question.

As I speak, I'm staring at the picture of me holding the huge white cheque. God really came through for me. Mum was so proud she literally threw her phone on the floor. I'm sure she was doing her akaelu dance. (He chuckled.)

So, what am I going to do with the money? I think a king size shawarma would do for a start. I'm just kidding. The money isn't even the full amount. It was shared, but I'm just so happy I have enough to pay my fees. No, sir! This kid won't be dropping out soon! (Laughter.)

To God, I'm just so happy I get to stay even if it's just for a while. It hasn't been easy. It might even get tougher as the days go by, but I have a vision. I've set my sight high. I'll hustle. I'll struggle! but I won't give up.

Things will be good. I'll be good. To you listening to this now, I don't know how hard it is or how tall that mountain stands, but you'll be good. Just believe. You'll be good.

VN 20

Today, I went to the art museum with Promise. It was the most beautiful experience... but no sculpture, no painting, no carving was as beautiful as the lady that stood by my side.

Congratulations, Spenzy. You'll soar higher than you ever dreamed.

ThE eND ♠️


  1. I remember this day... Great work Mara✨

    1. Thank you so much, beautiful Princess πŸ’–πŸ’–

  2. Speechless, Mara. This is without doubt, wonderful. Got really emotional reading this and also reminiscing about the memories. A great piece, Mara, simply splendid. Thank you❤️

    1. It was a pleasure writing it, Spenzy ☺️ I'm so elated you enjoyed it.

  3. Nice one MaraπŸ₯°,more power to your elbow

  4. This is amazing. Good job, Mara. Fighting! Spenzy✨

    1. Thank you, darling πŸ’•
      Spenzy, you heard her. You got this ☺️


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