Classic Movie Collection: The 3Ds

  Mara's Classic Movie Collection. Take one 🎬 In Anywood, there are good movies. Then, there are bad movies. Finally, there are movies you just have to watch in a life time! On this first edition of Mara's Classic Movie Collection, we have Deadpool, Deadpool & Wolverine and Dead Poet's Society in the spotlight. Ready to find out if they're worth the hype from my eyes? DEADPOOL This was a recommendation by Gifty and I have to say... Well! I feel mature. This was the Deadpool I knew from childhood in the X-men cartoons. He didn't change; red, nonchalant in the face of death and a good swordsman. One change though, he's fouler than I remember.  I love the concept of him not trying to be a hero. That's the real personality of Deadpool as I can remember. They also kept the humour. Deadpool in the middle of a multi-car collision  wondering if he left the stove on. It was nice watching two cracked up and battered adults find a meaning out of their lives by bei...


Inspired by a lovely girl named Holy.

"If you add the prices to the posts, will you die?"

That was the message that started a fight in my class group chat.

The sender, Kosi, had tagged a certain Zanny who had posted samples of some jewelries she was selling.

"What's that supposed to mean?" was Zanny's reply.

I think Kosi should have been much more gentle in her response. Even if she had a point, she could have made it clear in a nicer way. Instead, she fired back, "Don't ask stupid questions. All I was asking is why you can't add the prices to your samples."

"That wasn't what you said. You asked if I would die if I didn't. What rubbish is that?"

If I were Kosi, I would have been showering apologies already. Guess what Kosi did. She told Zanny to shut the f'ck up. That was surprising coming from Kosi. I had underestimated her small stature and cute Babyface. Well, they did say to never judge a book by its cover.

Zanny exploded! She quarreled fiercely with Kosi who she said had no right to talk to her so callously. Others in the group chat sided with Zanny through their reactions and remarks. Kosi only fired cruel insults in self defense. She didn't have to defend herself for long. Kamsi and Katherine soon jumped on the issue and ridiculed Zanny for being so audacious. The battle had become a war.

"Callous? Do you know who's callous? That ugly b'tch you call your mum," Kamsi retorted harshly.

"Tell her, Kammy. Her entire family is so unfortunate for having a brat like her," Katherine replied Kamsi.

"Wait. Aren't you supposed to be humble and apologize or is this how you treat your customers? Talk about calling my darling Kosi names," Kamsi fired when Zanny tried to defend herself.

I whistled in surprise. That was one mean girl. Zanny didn't even reply anymore. It was pointless to argue with them. These were the K-girls. They were the baddest, coolest and coldest clique in my department. I had noticed them a lot of times. They always stood out with their rich clothing and bodacious manners. Girls envied them. Boys ogled at them. The whole of history acknowledged them.

Obed soon came online and called for peace without reprimanding the K-girls in the slightest way. I felt kind of sorry for Zanny, but I must admit, if I had friends who would fight my battles like that, it'd be really cool.

The group chat fight made my evening quite eventful. I was kind of sad when it was over and the group became quiet again. Oh, come on. I'm not the only one that loves drama, right?

"Hi ☺️ I found you," popped up on my screen so suddenly I shuddered. Why would anyone message me? I checked the profile pic and lo and behold, it was Fumnanya.

Oh, no! Not her, I thought.

"Hey. What's up?" I replied.

"I'm great. How have you been?"

"Good." After a thought, I added, "How did you get my number?"

"Oh. It wasn't easy. I had to scroll through the contact list in the group chat and guess which one was you."


"I made a few mistakes and chatted up the wrong people. Then I found a profile pic of a very lovely mountain view. I guessed it was yours because I know you love nature. Also, it's the prettiest landscape I've ever seen!"

I smiled. Someone had gone through a hundred contacts looking for mine. "Thank you," was my reply. I wanted to add that my mother and I had taken the picture together but I didn't want her to get inquisitive. "Why haven't I been seeing you in school?" I asked. Truthfully, I had looked for her in the classroom. Although she was a parrot, she was also the angel who had helped me in my time of need.

"Awwn! You noticed. I haven't been feeling well."

"So sorry, dear. Would you like me to help you with notes of the classes you missed?" I added thoughtfully.

"Thank you 😊 I'd rather ask for your note when I see you at school. If you send me a soft copy, I'll get lazy and forget all about it till the night before the exam."

I chortled. I thought of what to reply other than okay. I finally sent, "How did you know that I love nature?" I was surprised at myself. I didn't know if I was doing it to be friendly or to prove to Chloe and Nat that I wasn't a stuck up snob.

Fumnanya saw my message and proceeded to type. After one minute, she still wasn't done.

"Oh, boy," I whispered, "I'm in for it this time.

I looked down at Chy who was sleeping, and at Eniola. She was writing something on a book at the table and Mma, my other roommate was looking at it. My last roommate, the finalist, was hardly around. I had seen her only once and that was it.

Two minutes and Fumnanya was still typing. I decided to go offline. Immediately, my phone rang. It was my mum. I squealed delightfully before I clasped my mouth with my hand. Too late. They had heard me.

"Ahh. Hadum, is everything okay?" Eniola asked.

"Yes," I replied and quickly put on my headphone. I picked the call. "Mummy!" I said in Thai.

"My little Baitoey!" She made the gesture of kissing and hugging me. I giggled and stared at her as if a blink would remove her from my phone screen.

"Wanida was right. You look really healthy. My! Your cheeks are so fat I could pinch them from here. Like little dumplings," mum said and pinched the air.

"Mummy," I laughed and felt blood go up to my cheeks.

"Red dumplings," my mother exclaimed and I laughed. I stopped suddenly and gave my mother an angry look.

"What's wrong? Are you going to scold me, mummy Baitoey?" mum asked in a tone that would have made me grin, but I didn't.

"You left," I said sadly. My mum felt my pain and her eyes grew sad. I guessed from the way her mouth moved that she was looking for a joke to change the subject but I didn't let her. "You promised you'd come back. It's been five years, three months, eleven days..."

"Chanok," my mum sighed.

"You promised," I said in a choked voice.

"It's because of father, isn't it? You two fought and now, you don't want to be together again. Right?"

"Chanok, your father and I love each other very much. I promise you."

I didn't reply her; I just looked away angrily.

"Chanok. Hataichanok, look at me. Please look at mummy. I'll keep my promise. Infact, I spoke to your father. You and Wanida are coming to Thailand with me as soon as the semester is over."

"Really?" I cried in spite of myself. I still wanted to be angry at her but I couldn't. Not with that news anyway.

"Yeah. I want us to celebrate the new year together. Your aunt and uncle will be there too."

"And Hataikan and Arthit?" I couldn't hide my excitement anymore.

"Yes," my mum laughed. She knew she was forgiven. She continued in her Thai which was more fluent than mine, "Then, you'll stay for Ma Baitoey's memorial. I want to show her what a beautiful young woman you've become. You do love your grandmother, don't you?"

"Mhmm," I nodded with enthusiasm. "I can't wait," I added.

My mother smiled till her eyes were hidden by her eyelids. Then she turned the phone away for a second while she blinked away the tears I had glimpsed. She looked at me again with a bright smile but I could tell there was something she wasn't telling me, something that was hurting her. Could it be dad? Did they really want to get a divorce but didn't want to hurt us?

"Don't be silly. Mummy just has to work. Thailand's a better option because the economy is bad in Nigeria and dad's having a hard time," Wanida's voice echoed in my head.

"Baitoey," my mother called softly. I stared into her white face thoughtfully. Her skin was slightly tanned and her eyes black and beautiful. Her straight and silky hair fell from her head to her shoulders and her rosy lips parted to brandish pearly teeth.

"I love you," she said and I could feel her cheeks brush against mine like they did everytime she hugged me as a child.

"I love you too, mum," I said.

I was really sad when the call was over. It would be a while before mum wouldn't be too busy to call again. I missed her eyes. She was one of the few people that looked at me with love and kindness. When she looked at me, she saw a girl, while others only saw... A half-caste.

To be continued 🧣


  1. Thank you so much for reading. I appreciate it deeply ❤️

  2. 😿😒 They are already Divorced aren't they.πŸ˜­πŸ·πŸ’–

  3. So she's in History
    Such a pity
    They will finish her
    When they're having serious classes


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