Classic Movie Collection: The 3Ds

"They don't understand," Jude fumed.
"Take it easy, Jude. Don't work yourself into a temper," Cheta said.
Jude stopped pacing and barked, "No! They don't understand! Were they not aware when the public address system got soaked? I had to use my money and time to fix it. Now, it's not working at all and the lecturers are giving me too much trouble over it! I understand I made a mistake by making the class dues three hundred. I am now giving them a wrong impression, but their accusations baffle me! Like why would I want to extort them? I have a father who works hard to provide for me. Before I came to this school, I was feeding well!"
"Jude. Calm down, guy. I'm not the one at fault," Cheta said.
Jude took a deep breath and said, "Sorry. I'm just... Sorry, guy."
With that, Jude went to the balcony of his lodge to get a breath of cool air. Hopefully, that would calm his rage.
In the evening, when he had quite forgotten about the incident thanks to his funny roomie, he received a call from his departmental lecturer.
"Be reminded that your class has to pay for the papers that will be used to print your exam questions. Your departmental exams are coming soon so try to pay ahead of time."
Jude frowned deeply. Cheta guessed it was best to leave him for the rest of the day. He left Jude to his brooding and only heard him say to himself, "All I know is that I won't use my money again."
I observed Jude was in a good mood today until he returned from the NALLS office. His smile disappeared to reveal an ugly threatening frown.
Dinah leaned towards him and said something to him. He gave her a brief reply and she put on a curious expression.
I was curious myself.
My question was answered when later today, President Kachi graced our humble classroom with two of his excos. He didn't look very happy as he called for our class to settle down.
"It's great to be in your midst once more but, it would have been greater if the terms of our meeting weren't so disturbing," he said.
I furrowed my brows and looked from him to Jude whom he called to stand beside him.
"What do I mean?" Kachi continued, "One of you wrote a petition to me asking for the removal of Jude from his office."
My mouth shaped an o and everyone reacted with irritated exclamations.
"Petition?" I muttered and looked at Jude's face. His head was lowered.
"I won't reveal names. I told Jude that I wouldn't tell him either. Is that right, Jude?"
"Yes, sir," Jude replied and looked up briefly. He looked sad, really sad. I felt I wanted to know as much as everyone else who had done such a thing. Pre-ti was the first person that came to my mind. What if it was Sally? Whoever it was, it couldn't be far from the person that had sent the anonymous message.
"Before I came here, I called Jude to hear his side of the story. I must say I am disappointed, very disappointed in him. He knew the class funds were low and yet he used his father's money to pay for the repair of the address system you all benefit from..."
"He did?" A pang of guilt squeezed my stomach.
"As your class rep, he has every right to demand you pay your dues. It is for the benefit of the class for goodness sake. You all were aware that your newly purchased address system got soaked. It is no fault of yours at all. The school hasn't fulfilled its promise to fix our leaky roof. My problem is that when he asked for your cooperation, you took to defaming him. Someone even reported to her parents. She went further to hand over his phone number to them and they called to threaten him!"
"Hey! - Ah-ah! - Who's that person? - No now," many exclaimed. I held my mouth in surprise and looked meekly at the president who was trembling with anger.
"I am very disappointed in you all. This is not how it is done. You ought to have each other's backs..."
I sighed and for the first time, felt truly sorry for Jude.
The resolution was that Lin 025 would pay the additional due or suffer a penalty. It was a direct order from the president and it was complied with.
Jude was grateful for the president's intervention. It had caused a change in Lin 025. They were suddenly trying their best to be supportive. They had seen the size of Jude's cross and were empathetic enough to reduce his sorrows.
Still, Jude was not his normal happy mischievous self.
Dinah noticed this and decided to ask. It was after their executive meeting. Dinah had left with the others at the end of the meeting. She noticed suddenly that Jude had stayed behind at the quadrangle. She went back and found him at a lonely corner seated with his elbows on his knees and his head on his palms.
"Jude," Dinah called gently. "Are you alright? Jude."
He stirred a little and turned the back of his head to her. She resolutely sat beside him and looked at him. "Jude, talk to me," she said. She wanted to ease the weight of sorrows that hung on his brows.
"I can't do this anymore," Jude whispered in a coarse voice. He shook his head painfully and avoided her eyes.
"What do you mean?" Dinah asked.
Jude raised his head and let it out, "I'm tired! I'm tired of their accusations. I'm tired of the things they say behind my back and in that group chat. I'm tired of the DMs that make me feel like I was stupid for volunteering in the first place! I'm tired of the petitions that make me wonder if my father trained a fraud. I'm tired of looking about me wondering if the anonymous messenger would do good on his or her threat and ambush me. It's ridiculous but yes, I feel insecure. I'm scared, Dinah. I'm scared of my coursemates. I'm scared of the people that gave me this mantle of leadership. I know I'm not perfect but at times, the things they expect from me makes me wonder if leaders are not humans as well. I..."
He stopped suddenly and rubbed his eyes with his face turned away from Dinah. He was crying.
Dinah heard him sniffle. She heaved a sigh of pity and didn't even remember that she had suffered her due as well. She forgot herself and pitied Jude. She pitied him ever so tenderly.
"It's not your fault. You did your best. Even if no one else appreciates you, I do," Dinah said softly.
Jude didn't reply. He bowed his head. He was ashamed to cry before a girl. Dinah understood this and stood up to leave.
"Dinah," Jude called her.
She turned back and sat beside him again.
"I..." Jude began and quickly rubbed at his eyes. Dinah offered him her favourite red handkerchief, the one with stars. He didn't take it. He cleared his throat and breathed in deeply.
For some time, they quietly looked at the road that led to the stadium. Then Jude mumbled, "Thank you, Dinah."
She smiled in response and took his hand in hers.
Jude tapped his pen on the table thrice. Then he read what he had written again. It was a letter. It read,
"Dear Sir,
"I write to inform you of my resignation from the office of class representative of the first year batch of Linguistics department.
My decision to lead in the first place came as a result of my passion for leadership. I also saw the need of my coursemates for someone capable of handling the demanding tasks of leadership. Being capable, I thought it wrong to refuse them my services.
My objective as a leader was to serve my course mates and impact positively through my office. I had many visions and plans to make our set one of the best linguistics department has ever had. I was also willing to facilitate to the best of my ability a pleasant and smooth learning session for Lin025.
Unfortunately, I have not been able to fulfill my duties satisfactorily. I hereby resign from my office.
I believe this decision is for the good of everyone. I hope that my resignation will be favourably considered and accepted.
"Yours faithfully,
"Asogwa, J. A."
To be continued.
When this thought came only few noticed.