Classic Movie Collection: The 3Ds

  Mara's Classic Movie Collection. Take one 🎬 In Anywood, there are good movies. Then, there are bad movies. Finally, there are movies you just have to watch in a life time! On this first edition of Mara's Classic Movie Collection, we have Deadpool, Deadpool & Wolverine and Dead Poet's Society in the spotlight. Ready to find out if they're worth the hype from my eyes? DEADPOOL This was a recommendation by Gifty and I have to say... Well! I feel mature. This was the Deadpool I knew from childhood in the X-men cartoons. He didn't change; red, nonchalant in the face of death and a good swordsman. One change though, he's fouler than I remember.  I love the concept of him not trying to be a hero. That's the real personality of Deadpool as I can remember. They also kept the humour. Deadpool in the middle of a multi-car collision  wondering if he left the stove on. It was nice watching two cracked up and battered adults find a meaning out of their lives by bei...

CHOCOLATE & MILK 🍫 Episode 6


Make way for the newest lioness! Roarrrr!

You bet ya! This Peculiar lady is celebrating her matric today! Viewer's discretion is adviced for the following posts. I wouldn't want anyone to scorch from the flames of my beauty cos I look πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯


There's no day in a fresher's life like matriculation day. It is the only day freshers get to look splendid, wear green gowns and sing, "Hail varsity of Nigeria!"

Cheers of congratulations were showered on the matriculants. Yes, they were officially lions and lionesses. They had been initiated into the culture and traditions of the varsity. It was time for the main deal and the lecturers could finally change their soft hands.

After the faculty matriculation event, the tradition of taking pictures commenced. There were photographers and  photo stands everywhere. It was necessary for every student to have at least one picture to immortalize this once-in-a-lifetime event.

For those whose parents could make it, there were hugs, screams and cake! So it was for Jude whose father and relatives had graced the occasion. Dinah's parents hadn't come but she celebrated the event with Jude who had told his father about her.

Mr Asogwa had been delighted to meet Dinah. He had been curious to meet the smiling angel Jude usually posted on his status. He was pleased with her manners and for a moment, pictured her as his son's wife.


My life would have been scarred if not for my roommates. Just imagine a matric with no make up, no family members and no pictures. It was my roommates who dragged me back when I left the room looking like a "scarecrow." Together, they primped me up and Sophie, my corner mate, even volunteered to escort me so I wouldn't embarrass myself out of sheer timidity. Her company helped a lot. I had grown used to her so I was less awkward than normal. I was also gorgeous. I will be forever grateful to them.

"Awwn, just look at you. So pretty. Mma did a good job with the eyebrows. Say lioness," Sophie said and pulled me in for a selfie.

"Sophie, I'm already late for the ceremony," I moaned.

"Come here, jor," she said roughly and pulled my shoulder. Then she gave a dashing smile and took the picture. I looked at it with disbelief. I never knew I was such a beautiful girl!

I reached the faculty hall as soon as the last cymbal of the department of music crashed to the University of Nigeria anthem. Harsh, and I had practiced a lot for it.

I took a seat and looked at those in attendance. All the departments under the faculty of arts were present. I saw some of my course mates but I had to look twice before I could recognize them.

Instead of listening to the inspiring speech being delivered by the HOD who was clad in his ceremonial garment, I was taking pictures. It was a once-in-a-lifetime event so why not? I checked the pictures and wondered who the pretty girl behind the screen was. I felt like a different person, like a confident version of myself. For once, I actually looked forward to taking more pictures with Sophie who was waiting outside with the cameraman.

"With that I say, welcome to you, great lions and lionesses!"

That was all I heard in the speech but I clapped loudly anyway. Finally, the occasion was over. I went outside and met some of my coursemates on the way. I had no particular friend to look out for so I just smiled and greeted anyone that recognized me. They all looked gorgeous, but I was more gorgeous in my black sequin gown, my borrowed silver heels, my dazzling choker and earrings that belonged to Sophie and my silver studded purse that was actually Mma's. I was a dashing product of borrow-borrow, and I felt rich.

"Are you done talking to your friends?" Sophie asked me as I joined her.

"Mhmm. How much did he say for a picture?" I asked.

"Nye nye nye. That doesn't concern you because I will be paying for them. You'll collect it from him tomorrow at... Neche, calm down."

I had hugged her tightly. She laughed and pulled me away as she said, "Don't spoil your makeup."

"Thank you for making this my best matric ever!" I told her after we selected the pictures we wanted from the photographer.

"This is your only matric, dear. Don't you want to snap with your friends?"

I looked around and spotted Dinah. She was dressed in a beautiful floral gown that bloomed as it reached her knees. Her hair was a lush black and the curls had been packed expertly. She was wearing black heels and had black accessories to match. On her neck was a choker that looked like a fancy bowtie. She looked like a flower! With her iconic smile, she was a vision of paradise. I smiled as she struck a cute pose and the photographer took aim. Instantly, I forgot my fight with her and went to her with the glee of a matriculant.

"Hey, Dinah!" I said and waved while admiring her.

"I don't like that one. Take another. I have to look pretty. Oh, hey."

I smiled and tried to hold her hand as a sign of friendship but she hardly saw me. She told the photographer, "Let's try this spot. Here, please excuse us."

Excuse her I did, angry with myself that I had made efforts in the first place. My feeling of insecurity returned and I forced back some silly drops of tears.

I went to find Sophie. Before I did, I wiped my eye gently. I had seen a beautiful family taking a group picture and their radiating joy had reminded me of my loneliness. I told myself, "My family wanted to come. They planned to come, but there was no money."


Nene left before Jude's father arrived and invited Dinah to join him and his family under their canopy.

It was a memorable celebration. Jude's elder sister had baked two cakes and his younger siblings had crafted paper cards for Jude.

"Let me see that one," Dinah said and pointed at the smallest card. It had been made by Jude's four year old sister, Dorathy. The little girl had drawn something with whiskers and had painted it clumsily with red and green crayons.

"Juju is a lion. Whooray!" was written in the card. The g was written backwards and the "whooray" was a mixture of upper cases and lower cases.

"Juju?" Dinah asked with a look of amusement as Jude sat beside her. He frowned and quickly collected the card. Dinah laughed and said, "Awwn, I've found a nickname for you."

"Juju, now you are a lion, can you roar?" Dorathy asked in her cute childish accent that made Dinah wish she had a little sister. She was the only girl amongst four children.

Jude looked at Dinah and shook his head at Dorathy who frowned.

"That means you're still a goat," Kamso, Jude's younger brother said and began to tease Jude by bleating at him.

"Kamso!" Jude said and nearly caught his brother who dodged quickly. Dorathy laughed heartily and so did Dinah.

"Who wants more rice?" Ada, the eldest of Mr Asogwa's four children asked and everyone shouted "Me!" Even Dinah.

After a hearty meal, the family chatted amicably until it was time to leave. Mr Jude led a prayer for the two matriculants in their midst. Afterwards, farewells were shared. Dorathy cried loudly as the car left Jude behind.

"You have a lovely family," Dinah said as they walked to Achebe courtyard together.

"Why didn't your dad come? I wanted to see if your beauty is from your mum or him," said Jude.

"Dey play," Dinah laughed. Then she said quietly, "He had an accident on his way here yesterday."

Jude stopped and looked at Dinah. She added quickly, "It's nothing serious. He's fine already. He's at home now. I'll tell him you sent your greetings."

Gently, Jude took Dinah's hand in his. Dinah looked at him and said, "You want Perky to post another picture of us, right?" Jude chuckled and held her hand more firmly.

"Tomorrow's anonymous night will be terrible," Dinah said but didn't pull her hand away.

The day was nearly over but the party had just begun for Lin 025. It was a day to party after party after party. The Director of Social Activities and his assistant had organized an after matric party. It had been tough organizing it and raising the funds but it was bound to be a success. That, Jude and his excos had promised.

"This is our very first social activity. It has to be special," Jude had said. He had also planned for Lin 025's first anonymous night to hold the following day; Sunday.


  1. Hmmmm it's gettingπŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€

  2. My dear Nene😩. I feel like crying 😭😭

  3. Innocent sin. Dinnah could have done that. Nene i feel for you. No one is perfect though


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