Classic Movie Collection: The 3Ds

It happened so fast. One second, I was working as an apprentice in a boring stationery shop. The next, I was in my green shirt and black skirt feeling like a fish out of water.
"You've got this, Nene," I said - not loudly or Sophie, my roomie, would think I was crazy. I slung my bag on my shoulders and left for my department. I didn't have much trouble finding it. Our very helpful volunteer class rep had given detailed directions. Also, the huge brick brown v-roof building was impossible to miss.
"Linguistics 1st year," I read the label on the first classroom to my left and observed the sea of students all around in green and blue.
"Alright, Nene. This door isn't going to go through you." I joined the students within. Most of them looked classy and confident. I mistakenly bumped into a tall beautiful girl with purple hair and nice shoes. Her shape was "shaping." I learnt her name later, Natasha. She glared at me briefly and left.
"I can't do this," I sighed. I looked for refuge (a seat). I tried beside a girl in a pink mini gown. She was beside a pretty dark girl in a blue crop top and pink hair. I mustered courage and made the request.
"My friend is here," was the snappy reply. I tried again but this time, I was ignored by a beautiful fair girl with a coarse voice who talked nonstop with a dark short girl in yellow.
I gave up and stood by a corner hoping someone would notice my cute innocent face and spare me a seat. I was still hoping when the NALLS excos walked in.
The National Association of Language and Linguistics Students executives bounced in looking smart in their uniforms. They faced the students who perceived they were important people. The president, a good looking young man talked briefly with a chocolate brown boy.
"Alright, friends. Quiet down please. The president wishes to address us," the chocolate brown boy said clapping his hands together for attention.
To Nene's surprise, he was obeyed instantly and the president addressed the students.
"Thank you, Jude," he began.
"So that's Jude," Nene muttered and looked at the famous volunteer of Lin 025.
"N-A-L-L-S!" the president called. The result was a confusion of mumbles. Then they laughed.
"Let's start from there. When I spell NALLS, you say, language is life. Is that understood?"
"Language is life!" Laughter followed this for some thought it was an odd motto.
"I'm Sunday Kachi. I am the president of NALLS. Welcome to the linguistics department of the faculty of arts, UNN. Can I hear our newest lions roar!"
This was answered by cheers and mock roars from the excited freshers.
Kachi raised his hand suddenly. "Hold on. That reminds me. You're not lions and lionesses yet. Until your matric, you are all _ewu jambitos_"
"Nooo!" they retorted and the excos laughed.
"We are very happy to have you in the den. I'm happy to see that the strike didn't affect your fresh beautiful and handsome faces. A round of applause for yourselves!"
Nene smiled when the girl that had ignored her earlier punched the air and shouted, "NALLS for life!" She was supported by enthusiastic applauses that took time to die down.
"Now to the business of the day. Lin 025, it's time for you to elect your excos." Kachi was interrupted by a happy cheer from a girl. He continued, "Before that, can we please welcome to the stage your hardworking industrious and charming volunteer rep, Mr Jude Asogwa."
Nene was surprised at the deafening pitch of the cheers. She knew everyone loved Jude but she never thought it would be this much.
Kachi said when they quietened down, "I received a letter from you guys that you would want Jude to remain your class rep. Is that so?"
The yes was unanimous. Jude smiled bashfully.
"In that case, permit me to announce the class rep of Lin 025, Mr Jude Asogwa Aghadinani!"
"Now, which one of you would like to be a member of the 025 excos?"
"School is fun," Neche muttered excitedly as seven girls and a boy bounced out for the post of director of social activities.
"I swear," the girl beside her said. Nene turned and they smiled at each other.
After some brooding, Nene added, "I waited eight months for this.
"As in," was the emphatic reply from Diana.
Nene tried to prolong the conversation. Maybe she could make a friend. However, Sally captured everyone's attention as she boldly enticed for votes with these words, "Our parents sent us to get degrees but all all work and no play is equal to madness!"
"Vote for Eze Sally Queen let's put the p in party together!"
Nene laughed and clapped passionately. For her, Sally's performance was the best. That was until Ebuka delivered a creative speech on why he should be elected. Still, she was disappointed when he won. His victory was thanks to the number of friends he had made already.
After the Director of Games and his assistant had been voted, Kachi called willing candidates for the post of assistant class rep to come forward.
Dinah took a deep breath and stepped out.
To be continued.
So really✅
DeleteOut with the third episode already nah Mara!! 😏😁