Mara rolled her eyes and made the sign of the cross. Worst exam yet, she fumed as she stood up and delivered her paper to the tall robust and unsmiling Mr Robert. Then she scanned the tense hall before walking down the aisle and out the door. She smiled when she saw Theodora looking out for her. She joined her and both of them embraced and whimpered. Leo soon joined them. A look in one another's eyes was enough to pass the message; the exam had been tough. "Does anyone care for ice cream?" Leo asked suddenly. Then their faces lit up and they strolled to the back of FASA hall where an icecream bicycle was standing near the popcorn box. "You're the best, Leo! Icecream is perfect for the celebration," said Theodora with a noisy sip. "It doesn't feel much like a celebration. Those questions were a perfect example of what I ordered versus what I got," Mara sighed. "Look on the bright side. We're done for the year and in a few days, we'l...


I remember sitting in my classroom sometime in 2018 listening to my classmates who were Marvel fans talking about Marvel's latest enterprise.

That wasn't surprising. Everyone was buzzing about Black Panther.

Except me. πŸ˜’

As if the curiosity of what this movie was about wasn't enough, my family starts talking about it 😫

Then I grabbed an opportunity that would change my life forever...

I watched Black Panther. 😌

What words are there to express the excitement of seeing Marvel's logo?

What curiosity on witnessing T'Chaka's first scene!

Then the fight scene in Sambisa forest with T'Chala and Okoye? Legendary!

As the reels turn, we get exposed to an imaginary African race (I thought they were real 😩) that is about to crown its newest king, our king, T'Chala.

From the beginning to the end, you'll agree with me that Chadwick Boseman's role as T'Chala was well picked. The interesting thing about it is that Chad never had to audition for the role. Marvel chose him!

What an honour 🀯

Marvel has many other super heroes that we love; Captain America, Iron Man, Hulk, Thor (Strongest avenger πŸ₯²) but Black Panther just wins first place in our hearts.

First of all, it uplifts and presents Africa and its culture as something beyond barbaric. It showed *Africa* to the world!

It was Marvel trying to tell everyone that we have something they don't. Not just vibranium, but melanin 🀴🏿

So kudos to the African race. Be proud and stand tall.

Another trait of Black Panther is its costumes and graphic displays. Marvel's make up and costume crew really took it to the next level with the outfits. The movie even won an award for it.

Talking about awards, Black Panther is Marvel's most successful production at the Oscars.

Fun fact. The story line of Black Panther was initially a "James Bond defeats the bad guys desturbing his kingdom." One of those bad guys would have been a Spider Man villain.

Due to circumstances (which we are grateful for) Ryan Coogle, the director, had to rewrite the plot. Don't know how the first would have turned out, but I love Black Panther as it is.

Coogle as director brought us characters like Michael B. Jordan (Eric Killmonger) and Danai Gurira (Okoye, head of the Dora Milaje)

Remember the part where Killmonger shocks T'Chala by yelling back in his own language? While T'Chala's wondering how Killmonger can speak it, I'm wondering what language that is.

The cast use a number of African languages. The major language however was Xhosa, a South African language that was spoken by Nelson Mandela.

Black Panther broke waves in movie theatres. Even Saudi Arabia had to lift its 30 years ban on theatres to let T'Chala touchdown in his vibranium powered aircraft.

Black Panther is loved and appreciated to this day not just for the adventures it gave us, but also for the legacy it gave Chadwick Boseman. His reputation as actor and king was so dear Marvel positively refused to recast him at his demise.

Thus, Black Panther 2 began with the mourning cry of Wakanda.

Although he left us before he could receive full credit for his legendary role, he will be remembered so long as we keep up the chant,


He lives on...


  1. You're very good at what you do , keep it up I'm impressed


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