Classic Movie Collection: The 3Ds

Nine days more (cont'd)
"Am I prettier in person?"
"Oh, so you read my messages? I was wondering why you kept silent after your first reply. Are you shy?"
I chuckled. I replied, "Guys like me never get shy."
Her eyes glowed. "Really? I like a bold man. That's why I hit on you."
She drew closer and touched my hand as she said, "I've watched you for a very long time..."
Monitoring spirit. No wonder I always felt suspicious π€
"I think you're hot..."
"...and I really want us to get to know each other."
I smiled at her face as it drew closer. Then I pulled her hand from my shirt and said in a flat tone, "You're not my spec."
"How can you tell? You've never tried me. But give me a chance..."
Her hands were at it again. I moved backwards and said, "Look, I'm already in a relationship."
Her reaction was a scoff and then a mocking laugh. "Wait. You mean that broomstick that walks like a doll? (π€¨π€¨π€¨)That's your spec? Noah, baby! You're too classy for a joke like her." Her hands again.
I pulled my hand away (her claws for nails nearly scratched me in the process) and kept a distance between us. She frowned.
"For your information, that joke is my idea of a woman. I don't appreciate you calling her names. I also don't appreciate you sending me those rubbish pictures!"
"Then why haven't you blocked me?"
TouchΓ©. She had me cornered. I thought of a retort but she smiled slyly and said in a seductive whisper, "I know you like me. You're just playing hard to get like 'your idea of a woman' that you're too scared to kiss."
I don't know if my jaw dropped at this remark. I don't even recall my expression, but something in my face made her smirk.
"See you around, lover boy," she said sarcastically and rubbed my chest before I could dodge. Then she laughed and wiggled away. I turned my back to her and, in a fit of fury, left for my room.
Eight days more❤π©Ή
God forgive me. Sunday service was almost over and not a single ray of grace had shone on my troubled soul. I looked to my left and to my right. Youths like me were seated with attentive eyes facing the pastor. Were they really following the sermon or were they hypocrites? What were they thinking of? They couldn't all be focused on the Word of God. Was I the only lost soul?π
The events of yesterday played repeatedly in my mind. One second, I could see Chenka seated at the quadrangle. The next second, Mikaila's colourful claws were playing with my shirt.
Chenka, I murmured as I left the church as lost as I had entered it. It was her fault. If she hadn't betrayed my trust...
What had she done? What was wrong with working for her upkeep?
Well, she should have told me!
Do I have business with her personal affairs?
I sighed in despair. Rationally, my anger was irrational. Chenka had done nothing wrong. Still, I blamed her. It was her fault. The rage I felt, the embarrassment with Mikaila, the graceless church service, everything was her fault! I was so mad I never wanted to talk to her again π‘
My phone rang. Chenka mi π
"Hello, rich kid?"
"Chenka," I replied feigning apathy.
"Can we meet?"
Of course!πΊπΊπΊ I mean, "Sure."
"I'm waiting for you at Love Garden. Can you hurry?"
I panted as I slowed my pace. I easily spotted her. She was seated on a bench. Her posture reminded me of yesterday. I frowned and made up my mind to air my mood. I wasn't going to let her charm me out of my anger.
Slowly, I sat beside her maintaining a good distance between us. I kept my face in a frown and didn't look at her as I handed her a nylon of steaming mishai. It was Ibrahim's special, just the way she liked it.
She looked at me but I avoided her eyes grimly. Instead, of her usual, "I'll pay you back," she actually said, "Thank you."
It took all my effort to keep my eyes away from her face. I wasn't going to let her go scot free.
She looked at me. "Do you want some?"
I ignored her.
She ate a little. Then she said, "You didn't call me last night. Why?"
"I'm sorry. Am I supposed to call you every evening?" I said with rising rage.
Her reply was calm, "You normally do. So, I was surprised you didn't call to ask about my..."
"Since when did your business become mine?" I said and glared at her. She looked shaken. Good one, Noah. If this was a movie, you nailed it for sureπ
I think she mumbled, you found out. "Who told you?"
"Told me what?" I feigned ignorance.
"I took Mr Okon's offer. There are some freshers he's tutoring. I agreed to help him tutor them them on Mondays. He agreed to pay me..."
"I don't care how much he agreed to pay you." My voice was calmer. Her remorseful tone could soften even the hardest heart. I continued, "Why didn't you tell me first? More importantly, why did you accept? Have you lost your dignity?"
She bit her lower lip as she forced out the words, "I was desperate."
"Exams are around the corner," she explained.
"And I'm right beside you. Chenka, I'm your friend. I want to help you. Please, let me."
She glanced at me. I saw the tears in her eyes. "Rich kid," she tried to tease as she blinked the tears away. I covered the distance between us and thought of something romantic to say. Sadly, all that came out was, "Your mishai is getting cold."
She chuckled and continued eating. After some time, she did something I'll always remember. She rested her head on my shoulder.
"From, from now on, before you take decisions let me know," I stuttered in ecstasy. She nodded.
"Don't, don't ever think of getting a part time work. You're not here to work but study." She nodded again.
"I, I love you, Chenka," was what remained but somehow, what I said was, "I'm your rich kid, Chenka."
Slowly, she nodded.
I grinned idiotically and rested my hand on her shoulder. Chenka, I breathed with joy. Chenka, I whispered with love.
To be continued.
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