Classic Movie Collection: The 3Ds

  Mara's Classic Movie Collection. Take one 🎬 In Anywood, there are good movies. Then, there are bad movies. Finally, there are movies you just have to watch in a life time! On this first edition of Mara's Classic Movie Collection, we have Deadpool, Deadpool & Wolverine and Dead Poet's Society in the spotlight. Ready to find out if they're worth the hype from my eyes? DEADPOOL This was a recommendation by Gifty and I have to say... Well! I feel mature. This was the Deadpool I knew from childhood in the X-men cartoons. He didn't change; red, nonchalant in the face of death and a good swordsman. One change though, he's fouler than I remember.  I love the concept of him not trying to be a hero. That's the real personality of Deadpool as I can remember. They also kept the humour. Deadpool in the middle of a multi-car collision  wondering if he left the stove on. It was nice watching two cracked up and battered adults find a meaning out of their lives by bei...

Adulteress; Chapter 5

Chapter 5 - Falling

First day.

"Welcome, sweetie. Thank you for honouring my invitation. Don't worry, I'm not a bore. We're going to have a fun time!"

Amara smiled and let Laila lead her to a lush room. Quietly, she sat in the well made bed and the soft sheets reminded her of her home. She missed it already.

She joined Laila for dinner in the evening. The door opened and she looked agitatedly towards the door. It was just one of Laila's friends.

Second day.

She and Laila spent the day chatting. Amara liked her company quite well. She was so much like a sister she could tell everything. They shared experiences and gossips. Laila liked to talk about her married friends but Amara didn't say much. She simply listened as Laila pointed out their faults and gave many advices. Amara took it all with a pinch of doubt. Besides, Laila had been divorced twice.

The best part was when Laila brought out her family album and shared her happy childhood with Amara. Amara smiled a lot and admired how someone's life could have started so happily. Every member of Laila's family seemed so lucky.

"Then, there's my brother, Robbie. He's a rascal and a fool at times. We fought a lot when we were young. We still do. We also say mean things to each other, but it's just our little charade. He's actually very loving. He's kind and selfless. He's the best brother anyone could ever ask for."

Laila's beautiful picture of her brother mesmerized Amara. She began to see Robert in another light. She saw him as a wonderful brother, and not a betraying friend.

At dinner time, the door opened again. Amara looked expectantly but it wasn't him. It was two new friends of Laila. Amara looked away just in time to catch Laila's interested gaze.

Third day

Amara wondered if Robert would even show up. He had sent her another text but she had not replied. She never replied his texts.

"Hey, sweetie! Why so moody? Are you bored? Let's go out," Laila said as she caressed Amara's cheek gently.

Amara smiled and got up.

Laila took her to an eatery and bought her a nice meal. Afterwards, they left the eatery and drove to a park. Amara accompanied Laila as she strolled about, admiring the beautiful environment.

"I love nature. Do you?" Laila asked.

"Yes," Amara replied. She was about to bow to the urge to ask Laila of her brother when she saw him walk towards them.

"Hello, ladies," he said.

"Robbie! How did you know we were here? Have you been monitoring us?" Laila asked with delight.

Robert chuckled. "I always know where to find my annoying sister," said he.

"See what told you," Laila addressed Amara but she remained speechless. She was staring at Robert's half buttoned vintage shirt and jeans. She had never seen him dressed so casually. She struggled to say something to save her from an embarrassing situation.

Robert quickly said, "So you've been telling her about me, have you? I hope you didn't paint a bad picture of me because mum and dad still maintain that you're the troublesome one."

To Amara, he said, "Amara, kedu? How are you?"

Amara recovered her composure and replied his greeting with a beautiful smile. When he asked if his sister was troubling her, she replied, "Not at all. I really like her."

Afterwards, he took them to a bar and bought them drinks. They had a nice time together. Amara was particularly surprised at his amicable nature. He hadn't any of that pride and haughtiness she had seen before. Only gaiety.

Robert sipped his drink and looked at Amara. She looked away. He smiled and admired her beauty. Her gown fitted her beautifully. Her neck and arms looked so delicate, so mesmerizing...

He sipped his drink again and replied his sister's taunts. He tried not to look at her, but he noticed how often she looked at him.

Sixth day.

For two days, Robert had done the same thing. He would  entertain her and Laila in different joints and eateries. Then he would escort them home, but he would never stay over. With the way he was behaving, she became unsure if he had really sent her those messages. He had never brought them up. He hadn't even hinted on his meeting with her in the party. Had it been a prank? Was this a test, a plan to expose her as an unfaithful wife? What if Desmond had a hand in it? 

Amara sighed and sat on her bed. She held her hand to her heart firmly. It was beating with evil passion. She tried to reassure herself that she wasn't in love with Robert but her head echoed, "Lies. Lies!"

"Oh, Jesus save me!" she gasped and began to pant. Slowly, her heart calmed down and she began to remember. She remembered who she had been, where she had come from and how she would have died if Desmond hadn't come into her life.

"I love him," she muttered resolutely, "and I won't betray him."

A knock at her room door.

She sighed and arose to let Laila in. She backed away sharply when he entered. Her heart panicked. Her face showed fear. Her hands trembled.

He smiled.

"What are you doing here?"

"I told you I would come. Were you afraid I wouldn't keep my promise?"

"You can't be here. Please, leave."

"Whoa. Amara, why are you chasing me out?"

"Leave, Robert," she nearly pleaded. She was growing weaker in her faith.

"What are you afraid of, darling?" he said gently as he caught her hand.

"I'm not your darling, Robert. Leave!" she cried as she pulled her hand away.

He frowned thinking he had lost his chance. He tried a new move, "Alright. I'll leave. Just don't yell. I'm already hurt. I'm hurt that you're too ashamed to admit that you love me."

"I don't love you. It's Desmond I love."

Robert smiled. He had detected the uncertainty in her voice. With one move, he encircled her in his arms and gripped her firmly. She tried to release herself but he held tightly. Her strength waned off and she resorted to panicking.

"Let go!" she cried.

"Amara," he called gently.

She kept quiet and looked up at him. Tenderly, he lowered his head to her forehead and kissed her. He did the same on her cheek and then, on her chin. He felt her lean on him. He smiled. He had won.

To be continued...


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