
Classic Movie Collection: The 3Ds

  Mara's Classic Movie Collection. Take one 🎬 In Anywood, there are good movies. Then, there are bad movies. Finally, there are movies you just have to watch in a life time! On this first edition of Mara's Classic Movie Collection, we have Deadpool, Deadpool & Wolverine and Dead Poet's Society in the spotlight. Ready to find out if they're worth the hype from my eyes? DEADPOOL This was a recommendation by Gifty and I have to say... Well! I feel mature. This was the Deadpool I knew from childhood in the X-men cartoons. He didn't change; red, nonchalant in the face of death and a good swordsman. One change though, he's fouler than I remember.  I love the concept of him not trying to be a hero. That's the real personality of Deadpool as I can remember. They also kept the humour. Deadpool in the middle of a multi-car collision  wondering if he left the stove on. It was nice watching two cracked up and battered adults find a meaning out of their lives by bei...

⏳ 6:51 ⌛

    6:51  _By Mara_ 💙 When we were happy... "Dory," Ella called quietly. "Hmmm, Elly." "Are you awake?" Doris turned on her side and faced her sister who laid beside her on the bed. "What is it?" Doris asked. "I was thinking about what mummy told us; that Jesus likes it when people come to visit him," said Ella. "What happened, then?" Doris asked her nine year old darling. "I was thinking that Jesus will be alone now. Everyone is sleeping at home. They have forgotten him. Can we keep him company for a while?" Ella asked as she stroke her sister's hair in the darkness. "Okay," said Doris. Then the little girls sat up and said a prayer that touched the heart of heaven. ⏳⌛⏳⌛⏳ 6:58. Doris cursed the moment she had replied Capon's chats. She scolded herself for what she had gotten the both of them into. Ella's words had not been in vain. For years, Doris had pitied herself as ill-fated. Now, she kne...


6:51 A few minutes later... Corinthians 3:21; Fathers, do not provoke your children lest they become discouraged.  45, 44, 43... Doris looked around the room again for a sign of hope. She wrapped her hands around her bare tummy and rocked back and forth on the floor. She was getting cold. She rubbed her arms and looked around again. There had to be a way out.  _35, 34, 33, 32..._ Doris wondered if anyone had seen them and had called for help. Was that why the other kidnappers were away? Hopefully, she nodded her head. She even managed a smile. She was so unlike her sister who seemed to have no other language than weeping.  _23, 22, 21..._ Time was going. The watch was still ticking; Doris could hear it from where she sat. Every steely tick filled her with fear. She trembled and began to lose hope. "Daddy," she muttered in fear. It had been a long time since she had called that word with such feeling. Her relationship with him ended one gloomy school day, two years after h...

⏳ 6:51 ⌛

⏳ 6:51⌛ A few minutes ago... Ella looked up from her books and stood up. Her father had entered her room. Mr Okafor, a stern man with an even sterner face pulled the sleeve of his suit. He observed, as Ella had hoped, that his youngest daughter was engaged to his satisfaction. However, he did not encourage her or commend her commitment to her studies. "Daddy, good evening," Ella greeted. "Where's your sister?" Mr Okafor replied curtly. "She's in her room." "Doing what?" "I don't know, sir," replied Ella humbly. After a brief silence, Mr Okafor said, "Tell her not to make my dinner. I won't be home tonight. I'll be busy, in the office." "Yes, sir." Ella frowned when he left. Of all the things to do, she hated telling her sister things the most. She hissed as she pictured herself going to Doris' room to deliver their father's message only to be ignored or get snobbed at. After a lot of grumb...

⌛ 6:51 ⌛

    _By Mara 💙_   This series is proudly sponsored by Asadu Chidubem, or as I like to call her, Dumdum 😍 Guess yes! She's a model. Her services include pageantry, runways, commercial and industrial modelling. Do you need a mesmerizing face for your brand? She's your model. She is passionate about her work and do you know the best part? Dumdum, through her modeling, aims at inspiring young girls.✨ What are you waiting for? Contact  Dumdum today and get yourself a model to grace your runway. Back to the story 💓💓💓 Doris winced as she landed on the floor. Her weight rested heavily on her right wrist and her joint smarted harshly. She rubbed her wrist which had been bound a moment ago and stared at her assaulter fiercely. He paid no attention as he released the rope from terrified Ella's hands and pushed her as well. Ella landed on her side with a shriek and began to sob, again. Enraged, Doris sprang up and attacked him, screaming, "How dare you! I'll kill you!...

Frozen; 1, 2, Review! Take 2 ❄️

In the previous part of this review, we reflected on the outcome of the blockbuster, Frozen. We reviewed the thrill it gave and the ton of awards it received. We saw the frozen fever and how people still refuse to let it go. Frozen was a huge success. Well, you know what happens when a film gets tagged "a huge success." fans ask for more. John Lasseter, after appeals of fans to have a continuation of the classic, declared, At the Walt Disney Animation Studio, as with Pixar, when we do a sequel, it is because the filmmakers who created the original have created an idea that is so good that it is worthy of these characters. So we're expecting a sequel of Turning Red, yeah? Cos I would kill for more Jesse screentime! (Figure of speech) Oh, happy day when Frozen 2 premiered, like its prequel, in Los Angeles. People were so eager to get a peak of the newest iceberg that ticket box sales reached a stunning 1.453 billion dollars against a production cost of 150 million dollars. ...

Frozen; 1, 2, Review!

You see dark. You hear quiet. Suddenly, a voice picks up an ethereal chant. You see the signature Disney castle come to view. You see yellow pages flip, bringing Mickey Mouse to life. You watch Mickey whistle and steer his helm. Suddenly, dozens of beautiful crystal snowflakes appear. As the song rises to a crescendo, a single flake remains, and when the word "Frozen" appears in cold blue ice, you just know that you're up for a magical Disney treat. Set in the little kingdom of Arendelle, Frozen is the story of two sisters, Elsa and Anna. They... Hang on. Is this necessary? My dear reader might have watched it a billion times. Like me, you might even be able to retell the soundtrack flawlessly. If so, we probably agree on one thing; it never gets old. Frozen begins with a short musical documentary on the life of an iceman in ancient Scandinavia. Here, we get a look at Sven and Kristoff as little pals. The scene leaves the cold and dangerous icefield to a warm castle bedro...

Dear Me 💖✨✨

Mara took a deep breath. She fingered her mouse and pulled the cursor to the left side of the screen. She touched the icon, "Submit now." As usual, it was beeping rhythmically, copying the pounding heart beats of tense students who sweated over their exam questions. Mara smiled at the icon and flexed her fingers before she clicked on it for the last time, as a year one student. The air was fresh and sweet as she descended the stairs of Nnamdi Azikiwe library and stepped through the large door. She breathed it in and smiled. "Freedom," she mumbled. With her friend, she rushed to the front of the library where her other classmates were assembled. In the middle of the gathering was Steve, the class rep. Everyone looked at his grin in anticipation. The he opened his mouth. "No longer freshers!" Steve shouted with his knuckle thrust in the air and the students cheered. They caused quite a scene as they screamed, danced and sang, "One year don waka! We stil...

CHOCOLATE & MILK 🍫🥛 Episode 9

Jude closed the office door leaving only his letter behind him. He went back to the classroom slowly. He appeared moody and down. His steps were slow and apathetic and his mind was cloudy with troubles. "It's done," he thought and hoped the look on President Kachi's face didn't mean refusal. He really wished Kachi would simply accept and raise no issue on the matter, especially to his coursemates. He had told him that, and Kachi had only said, "I'll get back to you on this later. Until then, I hope you will reconsider." He sighed when he thought of Dinah. He hadn't told her. He was afraid of her getting disappointed but there was nothing he could do. He also didn't want anyone to dissuade him from his decision. She could do that easily. NENE'S JOURNAL I saw Jude leave the NALLS office today. I frowned at his gloomy countenance. "Hello," I said with a smile as he passed where I sat. He managed a smile and waved back. I stared aft...

CHOCOLATE & MILK 🍫🥛 Episode 8

"They don't understand," Jude fumed. "Take it easy, Jude. Don't work yourself into a temper," Cheta said. Jude stopped pacing and barked, "No! They don't understand! Were they not aware when the public address system got soaked? I had to use my money and time to fix it. Now, it's not working at all and the lecturers are giving me too much trouble over it! I understand I made a mistake by making the class dues three hundred. I am now giving them a wrong impression, but their accusations baffle me! Like why would I want to extort them? I have a father who works hard to provide for me. Before I came to this school, I was feeding well!" "Jude. Calm down, guy. I'm not the one at fault," Cheta said. Jude took a deep breath and said, "Sorry. I'm just... Sorry, guy." With that, Jude went to the balcony of his lodge to get a breath of cool air. Hopefully, that would calm his rage. In the evening, when he had quite f...