
Showing posts from June, 2023

Classic Movie Collection: The 3Ds

  Mara's Classic Movie Collection. Take one 🎬 In Anywood, there are good movies. Then, there are bad movies. Finally, there are movies you just have to watch in a life time! On this first edition of Mara's Classic Movie Collection, we have Deadpool, Deadpool & Wolverine and Dead Poet's Society in the spotlight. Ready to find out if they're worth the hype from my eyes? DEADPOOL This was a recommendation by Gifty and I have to say... Well! I feel mature. This was the Deadpool I knew from childhood in the X-men cartoons. He didn't change; red, nonchalant in the face of death and a good swordsman. One change though, he's fouler than I remember.  I love the concept of him not trying to be a hero. That's the real personality of Deadpool as I can remember. They also kept the humour. Deadpool in the middle of a multi-car collision  wondering if he left the stove on. It was nice watching two cracked up and battered adults find a meaning out of their lives by bei...

Twelve Days to Valentine ❤️❤️❤️

   It's Valentine's day!  💖💝💓💓💝💖 "Are you ready for your presentation tomorrow?" Chenka asked me as we strolled down the street leading to the faculty of art. "I was born ready," I said with a bold gesture. Chenka smiled. "Really? Was that what your super alarm clock motivated you with this morning?" "Not really," I said with a shrug. I added, "Thanks for agreeing to stroll with me." "No p. You'll buy me meshai after this," she said and I laughed. "No p as well. You know, I can buy you more than meshai," I said digging my hands in my pocket. She looked at me sternly and said, "Rich kid, you've started again." I chuckled. Cries of "Awwwn" and "God when?" rented the air suddenly. "Hmm. Someone is doing 'parara' for his girlfriend," Chenka commented. "Let's go and see," I suggested. "Since when did you become an amebo?" she ask...

Twelve Days to Valentine ✨✨

  Valentine's eve..❤‍🩹  Four years ago "Hey, Jenka!" Noah called. "It's Chenka," Chenka said as she looked back. Noah approached her. "Whatever. Why did you tell Jannie that I was the one who took her term paper?" demanded Noah. "Didn't you take her term paper?" "That's not the question," Noah cut in. "You had no business there." "What was I supposed to do, keep silent and let you harass the poor girl?" Noah chuckled, then he said, "You have a lot of guts, for a girl." "I thank God I do, so I can stand up to bullies like you," Chenka replied bodaciously. Noah eyed her for a while. He smiled when she stared back at him without flinching. "Your right," he said, "I'm sorry for my actions." "You shouldn't be apologizing to me," replied Chenka who was surprised at Noah's reaction. Unfortunately, she didn't catch the hint of malice in his ey...

Twelve Days to Valentine ✨✨

  Two days more..🥺 "Concerning yesterday's incident, sir, I'm very sorry. It was unintentional. I was thoughtless at the moment." "It's alright." After a pause, he asked, "Is there something you want to talk to me about?" "Sir?" "Concerning Miss Chenka?" I looked at Dr Griffin in a puzzled manner. "I don't understand, sir." "You don't think that I have been your lecturer for a while now and I have not seen the way you look at her like fresh shawarma, do you?" I chuckled nervously. He had removed his glasses and was staring straight at me. I shifted uncomfortably on my seat. He noticed and gave a friendly chuckle that reminded me of who he was, good old Dr Griffin. "She's a lovely girl. She's dutiful, polite, kind. She's very serious at times," Dr Griffin said emphatically and I chuckled. "You really know how to pick 'em," he complimented. "Thank you, sir,...

Twelve Days to Valentine ✨✨

  Three days more...😣  Our paths have crossed It's the last time I'll have with you When we're old We'll o'er come this golden love I pulled off my headphone and sat on a bench at Love Garden. My head was cloudy with thoughts of today's events. Earlier, I had been so scared for Chenka that I had run up the podium thinking she would fall. In the process, I had pushed Dr Griffin. 🤦‍♂️ "Rich kid, I'm okay. It's just a stumble," Chenka had protested. "But you almost fell," I had responded. "Mr Ekrong, is anything the matter?" Dr Griffin had asked. Only then did I realize that I had brushed him slightly in my effort to save Chenka who wasn't even in danger. "Oh. I'm sorry, sir. I'm terribly sorry. I thought..." I began despite the laughter of my course mates. "Is that what you have to say for interrupting Miss Chenka's presentation and nearly running me over?" he said angrily. His glasses wer...

Twelve Days to Valentine ✨✨

  Four days more...😔 "A three hundred level student of the department of technological innovation was found dead yesterday. Okon Lazarus was declared missing last year December by his parents who said that he did not return home for the Christmas holiday. His whereabouts were a mystery until Wednesday morning when a student found his corpse at the plot of land beside Fidelity bank. The student who wishes to remain anonymous had just come out of the bank when she discovered the half buried corpse of the student." I switched off my television. School news, I thought. They always published news after it had become a past event. The student who wished to remain anonymous wasn't even anonymous anymore. "Chenka," I sighed as I stared out my window into the dark night. Earlier today, I had gone to visit her. She was feeling much better. She even talked to me about the incident. "I was about leaving when I saw a pregnant lady. She was calling her son who had gone ...

Twelve Days to Valentine ✨✨

  Five days more..😱 How are you, my friend? How do you do, my friend? I know sometimes e be like say Nobody send you That one na lie  I dey for you, my friend! I jogged down the peaceful streets of UNN on Wednesday morning, with my earbuds plugged to my ears. The streets were scanty of people, until seven o' clock when students would emerge from their hostels for morning lectures. I stopped to wipe the beads of sweat on my forehead. Then I stretched my arms and made way for a beautiful lady to pass. "Good morning," I greeted. "Hi. Good morning," she said with an angelic smile. I'm sure she was thinking, "What a gentleman." Not to brag but, I am a gentleman 😉 I braced myself to continue my exercise when I felt an urge to cross the road. I hesitated; I would miss the spot I had immortalized as my first meeting place with Chenka. However, I crossed the road and strolled slowly beside the library wall. Ahead of me was a girl in black leggings and a l...

Twelve Days to Valentine ✨ ✨

  Six days more..🧡 "Alright class..." "You made a big mistake, Noah." "Who can recall the formula for kinetic energy?" "You'll be sorry for this!" "How is this essential to our topic for today?" "You and your stupid doll will suffer for this!" "Now, we must calculate the density of..." "If I don't have my revenge, make I bend!" "Mr Ekrong!" I woke up from my bed of thoughts and saw Dr Griffin's angry countenance. I stood up at once with a, "Sir." Slowly, he took off his glasses. Then he asked the last question I wanted to hear, "What was the last thing I said?" I struggled to recall but Mikaila's evil laughter was all that came to my mind. With a dejected sigh, I said, "I'm sorry, sir." I felt the weight of everyone's eyes, especially Chenka's. Dr Griffin put his glasses back on and said those five devastating words, "See me in my of...

Twelve Days to Valentine ✨✨

  Seven days more..❤‍🔥 SUG week was always very eventful in the den, I thought as I watched an awareness truck drive past me for Eyo-ita hostel. "Eyo-ita queens, make some noise!" a guy on the truck said and he was instantly replied by the screaming of girls. I smiled and walked on to Marlima where my friend, Chad, was hosting a party for his supporters. He was an aspirant of the Aluta top seat and so far so good, he was at the top of the table. I would not have attended his party. I had other plans. However, I told Chad that I would turn up, because I had hopes that Chenka would be my date for the party. Unfortunately, she ditched me at the last minute. "Come on, Chenka. I don't want to go alone," I had begged. "Take Dan with you then." "Chenka." "I'm sorry, Rich kid but I can't come. I would have loved to... Enjoy your party." That part really got me. Did Chenka actually let her guard down cos before, she would say, ...